Football/Soccer Session (Beginner): passing and movement

Profile Summary

Coach JJ Esparza
Name: Coach JJ Esparza
City: Bellflower
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Combinations

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Combinations
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- Mirrored session depending on numbers or two balls played at the same time if able.

- The ball is played from the feeder (1) into the player facing who plays it to the opposite player, long to short pass (2). The ball is then played into the opposite feeder who continues playing to the other side (3).

- Pass and follow your pass, constant movement and roles.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Transition Rondo 3v1 to 6v3

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Transition Rondo 3v1 to 6v3
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Transition Rondo 3v1 to 6v3 (15 mins)


 10 x10 area in the centre

 25x25 outside area

 Use cones to mark squares

 3v1 in the centre 

 Larger area 6 players (depends on numbers)


Begin with a 3 v 1 possession rondo

Once the defender in blue wins the ball, the red players become defenders

The team in blue keeps possession in the greater area


Coaching Points

Stay focused in moments of transition

Play quickly

Provide options to the player on the ball

Don't stay static on the lines, move to assist

Have a plan for the next pass and keep your body position ready to make that happen


Outside players, 2 touch maximum. Pass, Receive, Pass.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 3

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 3
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Screen 3 (10 mins)

This drill is a 4v4 switching play and movement across pitch.

There is 3 teams 2 in the middle and one on the outside the team on the outside can be played but whichever team has the ball.

First to 3 goals wins and the teams will all play each other and every team will be on he outside too.

The aims and objectives of this drill is:

- Working as a team

-Switching play

- Creating space on the ball.

Participation needed- Age level (grassroot performance/ elite),

Special requirements (disabilities, medical conditions)

U14, grassroots, no medical needs or conditions.

Resources/ equipment

Goal x2 and ball.

Timings related to the participation group.

How many blocks? Timing? Key points?

2 blocks

4-5 mins each block

High intensity transition

Example block 1

Move ball as quickly as possible.

Find space when your team has the ball.

When shooting place the ball into corner with the side of your foot.

4-5 mins to make sure players don't get bored on the same block and get everything they can out in that time.

Differentiation and stretch and challenge- Easier/ harder


Block 2-

-The players will be limited to 2 touch for all players.

They will only have a 1 touch finish too.

4-5 mins

Place ball in corner with the side of your foot.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Specific practice

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Specific practice
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Specific practice (10 mins)

Organisation:   (2x 4 minute blocks)

  • - 40x20 area
  • - tapered touchline to the shaded area
  • - 5 blues v 5 greens +1 common in the shaded area
  • - 3 defenders set up in a 3 (RCB,CB,LCB)

Challenges, Conditions or Targets:  

- Complete 5 passes in the box, then break out to attack 5v3. 

- once attack is finished, attackers given 3 seconds before the new ball is played in to the other team. Allow intensity of the session to be high. 

- every goal scored is a point for that team, every ball won and cleared is a point for defenders. 

  • Block 1- FREE PLAY
  • Block 2- attacking team must get a shot in 7 seconds 
  • Block 3 - a recovering player from the box can recover to help defenders

Key Points: 

OUT OF POSSESSION (coached team) 

  • - show away from goal
  • - protect central areas as a unit
  • - use touchline/taper as extra defender
  • - win your battles 1v1 
  • - communication between all defenders

IN POSSESSION (managed team) 

  • runs off the ball interchange of positions
  • drive into space (positive play)
  • find spare player and create overload
  • end product 

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Seam Game

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Seam Game
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Seam Game (20 mins)


Endline Service Game 


  • 6v6 + 2 inside the playing area 
  • Attacking players (+2) in each "corner" of the playing area
  • Goal from the seam = 2 
  • Goal from run of play = 1
  • Balls out of bounds start with GK 
  • GK can distribute directly to the corner players
  • Movement to open and exploit spaces between defenders (seams) 
  • Balls driven into seams 
  • Marking ball side/goal side
  • GK movement and communication

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Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):

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Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen

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