Football/Soccer Session (Moderate): footwork and handling

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Pro-Club: Bermuda Football Association

John Moreira

Profile Summary

John Moreira
Name: John Moreira
City: Jarvis
Country: Canada
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 1

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 1
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A- Warm up GK's movements in the game jog forward and back keepingg body facing field at all times. after 2x start rotating arms full circle forward and backwards to get a stretch in the shoulders keeping the same movements.

B- practice/ warm up cardio footwork suffling and dropping keeping the set position.

Keepers collapse when Coach points down to right or left side. Recover back to feet an start again. after 1 minute stretch.

C- Side raises followed by sit ups working core. 3 sets of sit ups 20-25 reps/side raises 4 sets 10-15 reps.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 2

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 2
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D- Footwork/Handling

Server will play variation of high balls above chest and medium balls between chest and waist, last balls knees down after the keeper shuffles and sets. 15-18 reps 10-12 mins. Main Focus is body shape and hand shape to handle the ball. NO DIVING in this exercise

C- Going to ground working diagonal step to attack the ball. 4-6 reps each side low and 4-6 reps each side medium collapse diving. Repeat 2X for reps on the ball. 10-12 mins. Rest and stretch in between sets.

D- Two shot sequence, GK stands on half turn player one drives low ball off to the inside then GK recovers to face shot from playr #2 for shot anywhere to the same side.

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