Craig Williams
Name: | Craig Williams |
City: | Newtown |
Country: | United Kingdom |
Membership: | Adult Member |
Sport: | Football/Soccer |
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
-5x5 diamond in the middle
-cones around the outside
-2 players
-1 ball
-Attacker aims to shield ball for 10 seconds then dribble to any cone on the outside
-Defender aims to win the ball/stop dribble to outside cone before 10 seconds is up
-Defender can close down immediately
-Ball out of diamond = defender wins
-Swap after each attempt
Coaching Points - Attackers:
-Good first touch
-Position body in between ball and defender
-Low body position using arm/shoulder to keep off defender
-Use both feet to turn away from defender
-Acceleration to cone after 10 seconds
Coaching Points - Defenders:
-Close quickly
-Side on body position knees bent
-Aggressive use of body weight
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
-10 yard line with cones each end
-2 players
-1 ball
-Attacker aims to dribble to either cone and put foot on ball next to cone to score a point
-Defender aims to jockey and prevent attacker scoring a point by getting foot in between ball and cone
-Neither player allowed to cross the line - stay seperate sides - no tackling
Coaching Points - Attackers:
-Close control of ball when dribbling
-Acceleration to cone
Coaching Points - Defenders:
-Stay in line (opposite) the ball up and down the line
-Eyes on ball ignoring body feints/tricks
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
-10 yard line with black gate at each end
-Red gates 5 yards behind defender as shown
-2 players
-1 ball
-Attacker aims to dribble to either black gate and pass the ball or dribble the ball past the defender into the red gate
-Defender aims to jockey and prevent attacker scoring a point by getting into passing channel and intercept pass or tackle attacker
-Neither player allowed to cross the line - stay seperate sides - Defender can only intercept pass or tackle when player is dribbling
-Passing through red gate = 1 point
-Dribbling through red gate = 2 points
Coaching Points - Attackers:
-Close control of ball when dribbling
-Acceleration to red gate if dribbling
-Accurate pass to red gate if passing
Coaching Points - Defenders:
-Stay in line (opposite) the ball up and down the line
-Eyes on ball ignoring body feints/tricks
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
-10x6 yard area with 2x6 yard area added on at each end
-2 players
-1 ball
-Attacker aims to dribble past defender and stop ball in end zone
-Defender aims to tackle attacker and stop him dribbling into your end zone
-Progression - if defender wins ball they can dribble into attackers end zone
-Defenders start closing down after attackers first touch
-Ball out of area = defender wins
-Swap after each attempt
Coaching Points - Attackers:
-Positive first touch
-Dribble at speed with close control
-Changes of direction
-Acceleration when past defender
Coaching Points - Defenders:
-Close down fast then slow down
-Side on body position knees bent
-Cut off one direction to force attacker the other way
-Decision making - timing of the tackle
-Aggressive when tackling
© Copyright 2022 Sport Session Planner Ltd.
Developed with Partnership Developers, a division of Kyosei Systems.
Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):
Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen
Back/Forward: Drag timeline button
1v1 Session 1
-8x8 yard squares
-2 players per square
-1 ball per square
-Attacker receives ball then looks to dribble to any corner and put foot on the ball
-Defender passes ball then closes down and looks to tackle and stop attacker getting to a corner
-Defender can't close down until Attacker takes a touch
-Swap after each attempt
Coaching Points - Attackers:
-Positive first touch
-Close control when dribbling
-Changes of direction/speed
Coaching Points - Defenders:
-Quick to close distance then brakes on - dont over-commit
-Side on body position with knees bent
-Aggressive press