Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): Attacking principles

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Pedro USSF A
Name: Pedro USSF A
City: Chelsea
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Work on penetration, support/depth, mobility.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): IIA. 1v1 Turning Game + Technical Warm-up

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): IIA. 1v1 Turning Game + Technical Warm-up
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IIA. 1v1 Turning Game + Technical Warm-up (15 mins)

Turning with Pressure Game:

6x6 Yard box. 12 yards between edge of the box and cones.

Player 2 checks inside box, player 3 defends player 2.

Player 3 is passive until player 2 receives the ball. (Want player 2 to feel comfortable with pressure) Player two then has to dribble to three cones before passing it to player 4. If they successfully complete that, they get one point. If Defender Wins it and plays it to server = 1 point.

3 Minute Games; Switch server after.

Progression: Live as soon as 2 checks to the ball.

Coaching Points:

Receive side on with outside or sole of foot farthest from defender with forearm extended to protect the ball. If you can create enough space to face them up, great. Once you beat the defender must protect the ball with outside foot.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 2v2+1N Flying Changes

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 2v2+1N Flying Changes
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2v2+1N Flying Changes (10 mins)

2v2+1N Flying Changes with emphasis on mainting possession

2 x 5 min games. 10 Goals in 5 minutes. Run the Difference

Switch sides so both teams work on scoring on big goal.

Field: 35 x 18 yards.

If players can't go forward because numbers are bad, what do we do? try to go the other side. you can switch it directly or drop and switch.

Rules: 1 touch, unless it's a turnover or shot

Coaching Point:

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 3v2+1 Overload Flying Changes

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 3v2+1 Overload Flying Changes
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3v2+1 Overload Flying Changes (15 mins)

3v3 Flying Changes:

2 x 5 min games. 10 Goals in 5 minutes. Run the Difference

Switch sides so both teams work on scoring on big goal.


30 x 40 Yard Grid. 3v2+1 Overload Flying Changes


3v2+1: Closest player or person who shot the ball must touch both goal posts before returning to play. Offensive Team needs to take advantage.

Coaching Points-

ABC - Individual Players

Transition 'Light Switch' : Especially negative transition. When you build out, what's your response when you lose it.

Overload emphasis: good quick decision making in final third. Commit player by going at them so they are eliminated and play passes into space.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 3v3 Flying Changes w/ Penetrating Pass

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 3v3 Flying Changes w/ Penetrating Pass
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3v3 Flying Changes w/ Penetrating Pass (15 mins)

3v3 Flying Changes with Penetrating Pass

Same rules as Flying Changes w/ exception: to get into offensive half, a ball must be played into offensive half. Then it's a live game. Ball must cross the line before player.

Organization: 25 x 30 Yards

1 point if you score on goal.

Condition options:

1) must complete one pass in offensive half before going to goal (Why? Encourages immediate support, and not ball watching. Neg. not game realistic)

2) Team that is defending must have player kneel on field to create numbers down. Once ball is played into offensive half, the player can stand up and play. (Why? Gives more success to offensive team & forces communication defensively)


Coaching Points: Timing execution of run and delivery. Runs trigger Pass. Patience if it's not on (Use Keeper for overload)

What type of ball and run allows you to finish 1st time better?

What are Cues for going forward? (Numbers up vs. Numbers down)

Transition 'Light Switch'

Attack Space

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 9v9

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 9v9
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9v9 (25 mins)

9v9 Game

10 Goals in 10 minutes. Run the Difference.

1 point for goal. 1 Point for 8 passes.

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Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):

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Back/Forward: Drag timeline button