Futsal Session (Junior): Futsal Academy- Level 3- Session 18

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Reseller-Club: Premier Users' Club

James Kavanagh

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James Kavanagh
Name: James Kavanagh
City: Sacramento
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Futsal
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Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): 3 Section Possession

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Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): 3 Section Possession
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3 Section Possession (15 mins)

Activity name: Possession based warm up. 

Activity Description: Spilt the court up into 3 sections. Arrange players into two even teams and have both teams start in section 1 (adjust size of area based on the number of players participating). One group starts with the ball and tries to make a set number of passes. If they make that number of passes they take the ball and transfer it to section 3. They then start to try and get the set number of passes again, if they do they can score in the goal. If the defenders get the ball they have to get the number of passes and transfer it back to section 1, if the ball goes out of play in either zone it goes back to the other team. 


-Have a touch restriction in place. 

-Allow teams to keep ball after scoring a point to score another point.

-Include the middle section 2 in the game. 

  • Coaching Points:
- Quality of first touch and pass.
- Use of futsal techniques - sole of the foot, scooping, sole delay, toe
- Movement off the ball.
- Communication - verbal and visual.

Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Counter Attacking with quick finshing 3v3

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Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Counter Attacking with quick finshing 3v3
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Counter Attacking with quick finshing 3v3 (15 mins)

  • Activity Name: Counter Attack with quick finishing. 
  • Activity Description: Play on half court. Play 3 v 3 encouraging lots of quick play. After a player shoots they leave the court and is replaced by a team mate- this allows for the other team a chance to counter quickly.  Have other players waiting off behind the opposition goal.  Have loads of futsal balls ready in both goals. 
  • Progression/ Variation:  Change players when the ball goes out of play, allow players to enter from next to their own goal. 
  • Coaching points: Positive attitude to shoot. Speed of the counter. Use the sole to travelwith the ball. Quality of delivery from the GK. Secure and move the ballforwards in one touch. Exploit the far post. Different types of finishes.

Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): 5v5 Counter Attacking Situation

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Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): 5v5 Counter Attacking Situation
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5v5 Counter Attacking Situation (20 mins)

  • Activity Name: Counter attacking 5v5 full court. 
  • Activity Description: Play on a full court. Start the drill by having one team in a low block defensive shape, have the other team pushed high in an attacking shape. Drill starts with the attacking team giving away possession of the ball to the opposing goalkeeper then that team look to counter attack quickly. 
  • Progression/variation: Keep switching which team is starting in the low defensive block. At the halfway point of this drill start to just play a regular 5 v 5 in 2 minute blocks to keep intensity but have it so If a player shoots and misses they must touch the post to generatean overload for the opposition.
  • Coaching points: Positive attitude to counter. Speed of the counter. Travel quickly with theball. Use the sole to travel with the ball. Quality of delivery from the GKSecure and move the ball forwards in one touch. Exploit the far post.Movement as a unit to receive.

Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Final Game

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Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Final Game
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Final Game (20 mins)

Regular 5 v 5 - Final Game - No restrictions - Reinforce session topic.
- Encourage players to setup in a 3-1.
- Be sure to introduce players to the correct futsal positions (GK, Fixo, Right & Left Ala, Pivot).
- Use futsal rules - 1 passback to GK, 4 second rule on sidelines, kick-
ins, corners.

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