Football/Soccer Session (Moderate): Defend the Overload - General

Profile Summary

Joshua Wall
Name: Joshua Wall
City: Burnley
Country: United Kingdom
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm Up / Ball Mastery

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm Up / Ball Mastery
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Warm Up / Ball Mastery (10 mins)

Arrival - Ball Mastery (10 mins)

Arrival Game + Activation (10 Mins)


- All players to have a ball each.

- Aim is for them to dribble around the area using different parts of the feet and different skills.


- Take a few balls away and now get them to dribble around and pass between them.

- Half the players with balls.

- Bounce passes and 1 touch passing as an option.

Coaching Points

- Looking Up

- Finding Space

- First Touch

- Variety of Skills

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Progressive Waves

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Progressive Waves
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Progressive Waves (15 mins)

Defend the Overloads (15 mins)

Welsh Way Principle

  • To be able to defend when out numbered.
  • Area size width of the 18 yard box , length 36 Yards.
  • 5 red's and 5 Blue's + Keeper for both teams. 
  • Red team will start with one player attacking the blue goal solo (1vgk). Then 2 Blue players attack 2v1 against the red player who just attacked. Each team goes from defending to attacking adding 2 players each time till they get to a 5v4. 
  • The coach will work with players out of possession
  • No additional coach available so will need to manage other team as well around in possession areas. 

Coaching Points

Out of possession (coached)

  • Recognise opposition movement
  • Press quickly
  • Protect the middle
  • Leave the furthest player


Coaches will focus on the players defending, looking at overall position and also body position.

When to engage and when to wait.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Overloads

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Overloads
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Overloads (20 mins)

Overloads (20 mins)


4v3 In middle area

Blue team Start with ball in Keepers hands.


Coaches will focus on the players defending, looking at overall position and also body position.

When to engage and when to wait.

Key Points

Rotate outside players every 3 minutes, to ensure all get to try the defending element.

The area size is adjustable.

Player numbers are adjustable.





Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): SSG

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): SSG
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SSG (15 mins)

SSG (15 Mins)

6V6 game with a spare player making it a 6v6+1 game. 

The team in possession are always up in numbers. 

How do the team out of possession defend against the overload. 

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