Football/Soccer Session (Difficult): Pass and Move (Start Time: 2017-06-12 18:00:00)

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Drew Munro

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Drew  Munro
Name: Drew Munro
City: Oakville
Country: Canada
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Passing and receiving the ball, 2 touch pass and move

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Pass and Move; Decisions Making

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Pass and Move; Decisions Making
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Pass and Move; Decisions Making (15 mins)

12 players, 4 balls, 15 minutes

Each player passes to an open player, then moves to a pylon that is open (not the player they passed to) to receive the ball

Focus on passing the ball with head up to feet on the floor, moving to an open pylon to receive the ball, being ready to receive the ball and move the ball in the direction of travel (open the hips in the direction of travel)

Receive the ball with first touch no more than 30cm from their foot, in the direction of travel

Only pass the ball when the player is open, change direction and use Coever moves to redirect the ball when the pass is not open

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Pass and Move; Move to Space

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Pass and Move; Move to Space
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Pass and Move; Move to Space (15 mins)

2 groups of 6 players, 1 ball, 1 defender (changes on winning the ball), 15 minutes

2 rectangles with 6 attacking players and 1 defender, defender has to win the ball and then is replaced by the player they win it from (game restarts)

Red team passes to their player

When passing from the pylons, player moves off the pylon and is replaced with player closest to the ball without the ball

Pass and move focus, pass the ball with head up, 2 touch passing; receive the ball in direction of travel, pass only when the passing lane is open

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Pass and Move: Simple Passing

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Pass and Move: Simple Passing
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Pass and Move: Simple Passing (15 mins)

3 teams of 4 players, 15 minutes

Two teams in the centre, one on the outside between the pylons

Teams score a point by stringing 10 consecutive passes together, using the outside (Blue players) who can only move between the pylons along the line and cannot enter the pitch

Switch teams on inside every 5 minutes

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Pass and Move; Open the Hips

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Pass and Move; Open the Hips
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Pass and Move; Open the Hips (15 mins)

12 players in groups of 2, 15 minutes

Player A passess the ball to player B who opens his hips and moves to the next cone (first touch in direction of travel, 2nd touch pass)

Player A passes to Player B who is ahead of him to receive the ball

Player B receives the ball and open his hips in the direction of travel, moves to the next pylon and passes to player A

Pass the ball with head up, receive the ball, open hips in direction of travel, receiver looks at the ball being passed, use both feet, inside and outside of foot passes

Players move to the end and return, passing the ball to the next pair

Progression is one touch passing across pylons after 7.5 minutes

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