Name: | Robert Williams |
City: | Newtown |
Country: | United Kingdom |
Membership: | Adult Member |
Sport: | Football/Soccer |
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
1.Zone 1: 25x30 - Zone 2 10x25 - Zone 3 20x30
2. 12 players
1. Play starts in Zone 3. Players play 4v2 and attempt to pass the ball into middle zone to Striker who checks in (striker cannot stand in there and wait, they must move into the zone at the correct time and call for the ball)
2. Once ball is played into the striker... two players from zone 3 can join the next two zones. Players play 4v2 to goal in zone 1
3. If Blue team wins the ball they attempt to play it to zone 3 where they play 2v2, They receive a point if they pass the ball to the blue target player.
4. Rotate players after 4 min
Coaching Points:
1. Using technical passing in game situation
2. Recognizing movement off the ball while sending numbers into the attacking third
© Copyright 2022 Sport Session Planner Ltd.
Developed with Partnership Developers, a division of Kyosei Systems.
Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):
Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen
Back/Forward: Drag timeline button
Main Theme (Opposed) (15 mins)
1. Area as shown (Central box 5x15 - Outer boxes 10x15)
2. Two grids of 7 players
1. Players play 3v1 inside box.. Attacking player can join central box and recieve ball inside.
2, Once she receives ball, she must play to opposite grid and play 3v1 inside that box
3. Only rule is that a new player must join central box
4. Rotate roles after 3 min
Coaching Points:
1. Pace & Accuracy of pass
2. Body behind ball - toes up ankle locked (inside)
3. Contact on center of ball - follow through (direct and low)
4. Focus on action after making pass - show at an angle (sideways on)
5. Recognize correct time to move into central box
1. Competition between grids most passes made before losing posession of the ball.