Football/Soccer Session (Advanced): Session 3 - Playing through the thirds to embed playing philosophy (Start Time: 2021-09-02 19:30:00)

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Peter Ross
Name: Peter Ross
City: Billingam
Country: United Kingdom
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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UEFA B session 3

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Practice

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Practice
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Practice (10 mins)

The pitch is split off into 2 zones. There is a full size goal at each end and within each zone there are two smaller goals facing the goals (to represent the 7 and 11).

The first area is set up as a GK + Back 4 playing against a Front 3. The defensive team (Reds) with the primary unit consisting on the 2, 3, 5 and 6 must make 5 passes before they can shoot into one of the side goals. If the Blues gain possession in this half they must score as quickly as possible.

In the second area the pitch is set up as a Midfield 3v3 + GK. They also have a ball and the Blue Midfield must make 5 passes before they can score into the side goals. If the Reds gain possession in this half they must score as quickly as possible.

Coaching note: Remember to enforce principles of play!

Key coaching factors

• Awareness of own receiving situation and location of other support players. 

• Movement to recieve: - Intelligence to enable the receipt of the ball.

• Quality of first touch: - To control. - To release the pass.

• Speed – accuracy of passes: - 1 touch, 2 touches etc. - Which player? - Where: feet and space?

• Support and movement after releasing the pass.

• Passing in stride

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Progression 1

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Progression 1
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Progression 1 (10 mins)

To progress, once a team has played their 5 passes they must pass into the opposing area to score as quickly as possible. EG; Red Defence make 5 passes and play into their Midfield. The Blue midfielders must quickly attempt to get their ball into one of the side goals before they can defend. Whilst their ball is still in play it would create a 3v2 overload. Coverage of the philosophy of creating overloads is important.


The set up in the Midfield zone remains as before; Blues score in side goals and Reds score in the big goal.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Progression 2

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Progression 2
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Progression 2 (10 mins)

Finally, the rule adaptation is added to both halves of the pitch. If the Blue Midfield manage to make 5 passes and play into their Front 3 then the Red Back 4 must score in the side goal before the player in possession can help defend.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Progression 3

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Progression 3
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Progression 3 (10 mins)

The small goals are now removed and the practice develops to one ball. Players are initially locked into their zones as before. The constraint on the number of passes was removed to create a realisation tempo. Players can then support but must leave a 2v2 in the in the end away from play. This will enable the ability for quick overloads in line with playing philosophy to happen.


If the Blues regain possession then they can counter as quickly as possible.


Finally, finish with free play.

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