Name: | Fabrice Gautrat |
City: | Chicago |
Country: | United States of America |
Membership: | Adult Member |
Sport: | Football/Soccer |
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
3 Zone Counter Attack 'Flying Changes' Game (Positive Transition)
Set-up: 30x60 area divided into 3 zones. 2 end zones are 30x20 yards and central zone is 30x20 yards. Each team has 4 inside players and a goalkeeper defending a full size goal.
-One team starts with the ball (Blue) and aim is to quickly pass the ball to a player in the end zone and score (Through Ball). When the attack is finished, one of the defending team's outside players (black in diagram) dribbles a ball onto the pitch and starts a new attack in the opposite direction (the black defender moves to the back of line on either side). Her team must move quickly from defense to attack in a 4v3+1 situation (the blue player who jsut shot the ball tracks back as the +1).
-Practice should be continuous and uninterrupted at a high tempo. the players rest when they are outside.
1. Only 1 player from each team is allowed in a n end zone at any time.
2. Free time and unlimited touches fro all players / Limite the time for finsihing the attacks to 10 seconds and limit the players to 2-3 touches in the end zones.
Coaching Points: Play the ball into spaces so that we attack quickly. Take advantage of the space and speed of movement against the defenders.
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
3 Zone Game
set-up: 6v6 + 3 Each team has two forwards, two center mids, & 2 defenders. 3 Neutrals.
Neutrals have 1 touch to keep possession. Only time they have two touches if they are going to cross.
Coaching Points:
1. If oustide neutral takes two touches (second touch is a cross) attackers need to make synchronzied runs to get in behind defense.
2. Timing of runs (and actually making runs in behind)
Optional: Teach forward to peel off in behind.
© Copyright 2022 Sport Session Planner Ltd.
Developed with Partnership Developers, a division of Kyosei Systems.
Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):
Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen
Back/Forward: Drag timeline button
Turning Progression (30 mins)
Turning Progression
A) Shieldng: partner up and have players work on shielding that ball from each other. Can start with limited pressure form defender. 3 x 30 seconds each. Last two sets full pressure.
Coaching Points: Low center of gravity, shield with arm not back, wide base. Player between ball and defender.
B) Turning without pressure
- receive and turn with hips open, play on second touch - "turn"
- outside of the foot turn
- inside foot turn
- stop the ball (with side on base) and step-over (or any move) and exit
(Optional) - "man-on" lay off and peel off to receive through ball.
(Optional) - no lay-offs, but forward checks to then bends in behind.
C) Turning With Pressure Game
- Attacker (1) checks to player with ball and tries to beat defender (2) by turning them and dribble across the endline. If defender wins it, they can dribble across same endline. As soon as play is dead, now the opposite side works.
(1) Attacker goes to back of line, (2) Defender becomes attacker, (3) inactive person becomes defender
Keep track of your points. Only points awarded to attacker who successfully turns, beat defender and dribbles across the endline.
Coaching Points: Peak, protect the ball, beat defenders with turns and accelerate after