Football/Soccer Session (Moderate): U7-U9 Dribbling & Passing / Body Positioning

Profile Summary

Cesar Luis Cosme
Name: Cesar Luis Cosme
City: Astoria, Queens
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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LEARNING OUTCOMES: Dribble with eye looking forward.

Use of laces or pinky toe to push the ball

Keep your knees bent and chest over the ball

Hips open to your teammate

Turn only your legs and foot

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm-Up Dribbling & Passing

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm-Up Dribbling & Passing
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Warm-Up Dribbling & Passing (10 mins)

OBJECTIVE: Eyes looking up and into space while dribbling

ORGANIZE&INSTRUCTIONS: Squares of 5x5 yds with a colored cone inside square and out side opposite to every square.. Players will dribble their ball around the field with the aim to connect the color cones, (dribble to only blue cones) and complete every colored cone.

COACHING POINTS: - Use of Laces or pinky toe

- Eyes looking forward, keep eyes off the ball

- Long touches on the ball

- Turn aropund each colored cone

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Colors in the air

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Colors in the air
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Colors in the air (10 mins)

OBJECTIVE: Eyes up afte the turn in the middle cones.

ORGANIZE&INSTRUCTIONS: 1 player inside each square with their colored cones in hand. Players in the center with ball, dribbling around a colored cone and looking up to see which square player is available to pass and switch into that square. If you turn into a yellow cone then find a yellow square player. Players inside square must lift their colored cones in hand

COACHING POINTS: - Turn Outside-Inside, keep your eyes up

- Toe down, push it short

- Hips open to server, Receive it into space

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Connect the Colors

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Connect the Colors
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Connect the Colors (20 mins)

OBJECTIVE: Positioning the Hips to receive and pass

ORGANIZE&INSTRUCTIONS: 1 player in each square with a ball. Middle players in a colored cone, receiving from the same colored square and dribble into 2nd color cone to pass into next square. ( Receive from yellow square, dribble into yellow cone and pass to next yellow square). All players in the center must complete all color cones.

COACHING POINTS: - Hips open to the Ball

- Check if next square is available

- Ask for the ball

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Socio-Affective Complete the Colors

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Socio-Affective Complete the Colors
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Socio-Affective Complete the Colors (20 mins)

OBJECTIVE: Help each other as a Team

ORGANIZE&INSTRUCTIONS: One Soccer ball in each square. Group of 2-3 players will travel together from one colored square to same center color cone and next square. 5 passes with one touch inside each square. The group will hold hands to go around center cones and move to the next same colored square. All groups must complete all color cones.

COACHING POINTS: - Have fun, Help each other

- Pass with hips open and keep on your toes

- Go around the rossy holding hands, full 360'

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 3 Play N' Switch Game

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 3 Play N' Switch Game
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3 Play N' Switch Game (30 mins)

OBJECTIVE: Use the 3rd Field and transition and support/help your team score

ORGANIZE&INSTRUCTIONS: Field #1 - #2 are 10x10 yds. Field #3 10x20yds

2v2 in each field or 1v1 depending on numbers. The 3 fields are actively playing until Coach whistles and only field #1 and #2 leave their field and ball to switch into Field #3 to help their team score. If any team scores in that field then they all go back to their field. Rotation is done by players to try out every field.

COACHING POINTS: - Passing play

- Position Open, away from opponent

- Hips open to teammamte

- Reaction is fast run into 3rd field

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Back/Forward: Drag timeline button