Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): 1v1 Attacking - With Goal behind

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Pro-Club: Penn Fusion Soccer Academy

Ian Dawson

Profile Summary

Ian Dawson
Name: Ian Dawson
City: Pennsburg
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Foundation

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Foundation
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Foundation (15 mins)

Organization: 20x20, Cone gates, Flag


  • No Ball
  • A's start the game by checking beyond flag, once they check back past the Flag - Blue Def can press
  • They are looking to get through either gate without being tagged by the blue D's
  • Players switch roles after game ends (3 Reps each)
  • Keep score

Progression: Add a Ball. 1v1 attacker vs defender. Perform a move and you get an extra point. Defender tries to steal the ball and dribble to the attackers gate. Ball played in by red #2.

Coaching Points:

  • Look to unbalance 'D'
  • Timing of Fake/change of direction
  • Face up defender early
  • Accelerate
  • Attackers have a plan in mind before you go
  • Check defender body stance - both heels down or square = exploit

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 1v1 - 4 goal game

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 1v1 - 4 goal game
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1v1 - 4 goal game (20 mins)


As above - 4 goals, 6-8 players per grid, x4 cones


Red #2 plays pass into #1Red with defender starting on blue cone 2yards away.  Attackers get a point if they score in any of the 4 goals, defenders get a point if they counter to any goal and score. Natural stoppage and play new round - keep game moving with good tempo.

Switch Red and Blue roles first team to 6 goals or 4-5mins

Coaching Points:

  • Quick directional first touch
  • Vision of defenders pressure
  • Take space early to get Def on back foot
  • Attacking/decisive mentality to go at a goal right away
  • Recognition of when to do the move (when defender will be able to block a shot)
  • Don't allow Def to get close enough to disrupt the ball
  • Acceleration away from defender after doing move
  • Cut across Defenders recovery line when attacking space


1v1 without cones, Red has to create separation to get on the ball

Red gets 7 seconds to score or another Blue Def joins

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Receiving to turn - 1v1

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Receiving to turn - 1v1
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Receiving to turn - 1v1 (20 mins)


2 Grids, 6 players in each (20x15)


Player accelerates past the cone & then changes movement to get on the ball on half turn

Firm pass into players feet.

Once ball is released, defender can apply pressure.

1v1 until goal or ball out of play.

Keep score of goals add up both teams from each grid as competition.

Coaching Points

  • Movement to create getting on the ball.(arrive as ball arrives)
  • Communicate release
  • Shape to receive (Depending on pressure) Can we play forwards of 1st touch?
  • Decision making in a 1v1
  • Tempo of everything we do - change of speeds
  • Weight of pass of the ball played in
  • Finish on the run and confidently


2v1 - (red 2 vs blue 1) supporting Red is only allowed to play on the sideline with 1-2 touches max.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Conditioned Game

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Conditioned Game
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Conditioned Game (20 mins)


- In same field 30x15,5 yard endzones. Balls in-between fields


-3v3 in field to endzone. each player on the team will be numbered from 1 to 3. You can only defend your number... 1 can defend 1, 2 can defend 2 and so on. Players will play into endzone must dribble into endzone to score.

Play always restarts from Endzone into highest player and game commences on the 1st touch.

Coaching Points/Questions:

  • All previous coaching points
  • Create separation
  • Overloads
  • Exploit space early
  • Movement of players to create overload in high spaces
  • Counter press mistakes
  • Shape and movement
  • Decisions on the ball


Must combine to finish off 1 touch

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Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):

Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen

Back/Forward: Drag timeline button