Football/Soccer Session (Beginner): Crossing and Finishing

Profile Summary

Monika Foster
Name: Monika Foster
City: Hedgesville
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Rondo-Warmup

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Rondo-Warmup
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2- 10x10 yard boxes set up

5 attackers- 2 defenders in each box


-Attackers look to maintain possession by keeping ball away from 2 defenders

-If defender is able to steal ball, defender swaps with the attacking player.

-If ball goes out of play server plays ball immediately back in

10 consecutive passes= 1 pt

If 10 consecutive passes or a pass is able to split the 2 defenders, defenders stay in for an extra round. defenders can not stay in for more than 2 consecutive rounds.

Coaching Points:

-Open Body Shape when receiving ball allows ability to play in multiple directions

-Players off ball look to provide 2 options in support as ball is received by player.

-Angle of support of players off ball (look to create a clear line to be able to be played into)

-Recognition of cues to time movement (Move as the ball is played to provide option in support as the ball is received, rather than move when the player is already in possession)

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Cross Off A Dribble

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Cross Off A Dribble
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Cross Off A Dribble (15 mins)


Two 20x10, Two 3 Yard Gates in the middle


A) Player 1 starts with the ball and dribbles forward at speed. Judging the angle the player must cut the ball back through the gate to player 2 and join the opposite line. The sequence continues. Introduce two balls.


- Change sides/rotation

- Player now dribbles past the gate, performs a cut/fake cross before crossing with opposite foot

B) Add no-tackle defender

Coaching Points

Encourage cross with correct angle and weight

Players should be encouraged to receive/collect the ball on the move

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Crossing & Finishing Exercise

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Crossing & Finishing Exercise
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Crossing & Finishing Exercise (15 mins)


Penalty area, set up as shown


Player 1 starts with the ball and plays a combination with player 2 before playing wide to player 3. Player 3 checks inside off the dummy to recieve and shoots on goal.


*Shown Above - Player 1 starts with the ball and plays a combination with player 2 before playing wide to player 3. Player 3 checks off the dummy to recieve, attacks the line and cuts the ball back into the box. Player 1 & 2 make runs into the box to finish the cross.

- Add a defender(s)

Coaching Points

Quick combination play

Timing of seperation/movement across the dummy

Timing and angle of runs into the box - cross over, attack front & back post, not in same line

Quality cross into the box - low & hard, away from keeper

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Crossing and finishing

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Crossing and finishing
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Crossing and finishing (20 mins)


Set up the pitch as shown.

Use mannequins or have a back 4 set along the 18 yard line.

How to Play

Coach plays into highest midfielder (Combination and spread wide to LM/RM)

Wide players make realistic movements to receive (WM could come inside to trigger FB running beyond)

- touch and deliver

- set and deliver

If wide player takes his first touch inside

- Overlaps

- Underlaps

Movement of the front man (disappear/reappear)

Timing of runs.

Types of finish.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Shooting Battle

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Shooting Battle
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Shooting Battle

Setup: 2 Full Size goals. Area: two penalty areas.

4v4 +4 plus two keepers

3 Minute games - winner stays on and losing team switches with outside players

2 touch max

Pass to outside players to provide relief from pressure



• Encourage scoring and taking shots

• Players initial thought is to shoot and pass second

• Defending team must close down quickly to prevent shots at goal

• Attackers must shoot accurately

After 3 minutes the outs

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Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):

Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen

Back/Forward: Drag timeline button