Football/Soccer Session (Moderate): Passing & Support

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Damian Wickie

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Damian  Wickie
Name: Damian Wickie
City: Oakville
Country: Canada
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warmup-Handball

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warmup-Handball
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Warmup-Handball (10 mins)

Equipment: 14 cones, 6-7 pinnies one colour. 12-14 players, one ball

Setup: 10x20 or 15x30 grid depending on ageésize of players. Place 8 cones around perimeter to mark area. With 3 cones marking an endzone across the width.

Objective: Players pass the ball with their hands to teammates. Can score points by making 10 consecutive passes or to successfully pass the ball from one endzone to the other.

Rules: No tackling or body contact to intercept pass. No steps permitted once the ball is caught.

Key Points:


Movement into supporting position to receive pass

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Passing to Penetrate

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Passing to Penetrate
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Passing to Penetrate (15 mins)

Equipment: one ball, 6 cones, 2 pinnies, 6 players

Setup: Create a grid 15x30. Place 2 cones at the midway point.


2 players in pinnies are defenders. Remaining 4 are attackers. Player 1 & 4 must stay along their endline

Ball starts with player 1.

Attacking Objective: Move the ball from one endline to the other to score a point. To do so , Player 1 must play a pass to either player 2 or 3. Upon receipt, player 2 or 3 (whomever receives the ball) can attempt to play through to player 4 if able otherwise pass back between themselves to create an opportunity for the through ball. If a successful pass to player 4 is made, Players 2 and 3 move to the opposite box to support player 4 and repeat.

Restictions: Ball must be played on the ground. Player 1 and 4 cannot play a pass directly to each other. Players 2 and 3 must remain on one side of the grid until the ball is successfully passed to the other endline before moving to that grid

Attacking Key Points: Communication. Players open to the field of play to receive. Good first touch. Accuracy of pass. Movement along their line to create good support angles.

Defending Objective: Intercept the ball and gain posession to obtain a point. Player A can move freely within the starting half of play. Player B can only shuffle laterally along the midline of the field. If the attackers successfully penetrate with a pass to player 4, Player B wil move into that field of play and Player A will take up position on the midline.

Defending Key Points: Pressure on the ball. Coverage angles.

Change out defenders periodically

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Mobility & Support

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Mobility & Support
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Mobility & Support (15 mins)

Equipment: 9 cones, one ball, 6 players,1 ball

Setup: Create a 20x20 grid separated into 4 quadrants with the cones. Place 2 players in 2 of the quadrants and one player each in the other 2 quadrants.

Activity: Ball starts in a quadrant with 2 players. Players can play one pass to the partner in their grid. They in turn must pass to either of the grids that contain only one player. When the pass is played one of the players from the other quadrant must run into the receiving players grid to support and the cycle repeats.

Key Points: Head up. Communication. Accuracy of pass, pace of pass, good mobility to support.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): SSG

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): SSG
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SSG (15 mins)

Equipment: 6 or 7 pinnies depending on number of players., 4 pug nets, 5 cones. 12 or 14 players,1 ball

Setup: 60x40 practice area divided down the middle with cones. Place the 4 pug nets, two on each end line.

Objective. Small sided game of 6v6 or 7v7, no goalies. The ball must be passed across the midline at least twice before a team may try to score on their opponents pug net

Key Points: Accuracy of pass, pace of pass, head up, mobility and support angles.

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Back/Forward: Drag timeline button