Football/Soccer Session (Beginner): Passing Patterns

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David Cramer

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David Cramer
Name: David Cramer
City: Bonney Lake
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Learn to create space, receive on back foot, speed of play, call targets name, look before you pass.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Ajax Square

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Ajax Square
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Ajax Square (15 mins)

Setup: 4 cones, 10x10 (size as needed). 4 lines on the interior of the cones.

Play: Player closest to cone checks away from the cone (the defender) and receives a pass behind the defender with their back foot with her first touch. She then passes it to the next corner. Passer gets into line she just passed to.

Progressions: Add more soccer balls when they are ready. Separate into two groups if more than 16. Go CCW (right footed) and CW (left footed).

Coaching Points: Check away to create space from the mock defender behind and away. Angle your body towards where you want to play (towards the next corner). Move your feet to receive. Look before you pass. Say your targets name. Play to her back foot (in front of her, behind the defender). Try to make this game Realistic.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Ajax Weave 1

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Ajax Weave 1
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Ajax Weave 1

Setup: Cones as shown, 10 yards apart (size as needed). Midfielder on each center cone (red), lines on each yellow cone. 1 ball per group. Need a minimum of 10 players.

Play: Player A passes to B and does an overlap with teammate. B plays a soft touch to Player E who passes to C. C plays a soft touch to A who passes to D. Players E and A get back in line.

Progressions: Rotate C & B every few minutes. Allow players to freestyle and make their own patterns. No overlaps. 

Tips: Center players must be on balls of feet and alert. 1 touch passing. Emphasize C & B to face way they want to play. Speed of play. Try to make this game Realistic. Challenge players to use their left foot when running on left side. B&C should alternate Left & Right depending on angle of pass.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Ajax Weave 2

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Ajax Weave 2
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Ajax Weave 2

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Ajax Star Pattern

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Ajax Star Pattern
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Ajax Star Pattern

Setup: Start 15x15, size as needed. 4 lines on yellow cones (outside of square). 1 ball per group. Works best with 10 players.

Play: A does GnG with 1, then passes to B. 1 checks to B, does GnG. 1 Checks back to A. C-2-A repeate the same pattern. 2 touch is ok.

Progression: Add a second ball. Play left foot. Go to 1 touch.

Coaching Tips: Weight of pass. Receive with correct foot. Receive and pass with inside foot. Body position when receiving. Stay on toes. Call name of target, eye contact. High tempo. Accuracy. Pop off cone with speed. Try to make this game Realistic.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Ajax BOTB

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Ajax BOTB
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Objective: Learn how to prepare the next action with your pass. Use this as a warmup for Building out of Back.

Setup: 20x20. 6 players min. 1 ball per group.

Play: 1) A passes to B and runs behind mock defenders. 2) B passes to C. 3) C does a GnG with A. 4) C passes to D. Pattern repeats the opposite direction. Each player moves to position they passed to. Use 2 touch to start. After A passes to C in step 3, spin out to receive pass from D.

Progressions: Allow / encourage 1 touch where possible.

Coaching Points: Pass to front foot. Keep body between ball and defender. Create a positive space behind defenders (position behind defender + body angle). Play way you are facing. Face the way you want to play.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): SSL Circuit

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): SSL Circuit
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SSL Circuit

Setup: Each space is 20x15. 20x45 space as illustrated. 

Play: A passes to B, then checks to for a short-short-Long to C. B checks to C and so-on. As soon as B is ready, next person in line A, starts the next ball.

Coaching Points: Check to as-if there is someone on your back. First touch should be below kneesand 1 “step” in front. Get body centered over ball, hips open to receive. Senda quality pass at pace. If you don't have time for a shoulder check assume there is pressure - play way facing.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Triangle Passing

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Triangle Passing
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Triangle Passing

Objective: Teach players to look for third man runs, very useful for breaking down full backs. 

Teach: Show how this applies vs FB & CB? Demo with a 9, 7, 10?

Setup: 15 yd sides. 7 players required. 2 on each cone, with 1+ at the line cone.

Play: P2 - check away from defender cone. P1 passes to P2, checks to, receives a double pass, and then passes to front foot of P3. P2 becomes next target at B. Pattern continues forward from A to B to C, etc.  Introduce a second ball if possible / when appropriate.

Coaching Points: Crisp passes. Communicating. Moving off ball.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 1st touch

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 1st touch
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1st touch

Min 8 players. Start with 2 in the box, rest in lines. 2 balls as shown. Pass into receiver, Receiver uses 2 touch to pass forward. Follow you pass. Repeat.

Progression 1: Outside player adds pressure to player in inner box. Increase tempo.

Progression 2: Outside player adds pressure to player in outer gate. Touch ball away from pressure.

Progression 3: Outside Players must stand on either side of the gate. Get eyes up, scan expected area.

Progression 4: Players in box must play to a target inside a specific cone color. Get eyes up and scan, scan large area (head on swivel). 

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