Hockey Session (Foundation Phase): Zone Possession Game

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Reseller-Club: Premier Users' Club

Becca Main

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Becca Main
Name: Becca Main
City: Lebanon, NH
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Hockey
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Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Zone 1

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Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Zone 1
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Zone 1

Objective: Each team's objective when they have the ball is to keep possession and expand the playing area.

Set up:

  • Segment the area of the field between the 25-yard line and the 50-yard line into three distinct zones
  • Begin with a 4v4 in Zone 1
  • Position one player from each team in Zone 2 and one player from each team in Zone 3 (six players on each team, 12 total)
  • Standard field hockey rules apply
  • The team in possession (blue) works to complete four passes
  • Once the team in possession (blue) completes four passes, they can expand into Zone 2 (playing area is now Zone 1 and Zone 2), once they complete four additional passes they can expand into Zone 3 (entire playing area)
  • If the defensive team (white) comes up with the ball, they automatically start a 4v4 in whatever Zone they intercept or tackle inside, the begin working to complete four passes to start expanding into new zones
  • Whenever a foul occurs or the ball goes out of bounds, the pass count resets
Points of Emphasis:
  • With the ball: good vision and prescanning to encourage quick, accurate passes
  • Without the ball: balanced defensive structure, pressure/cover
  • When expanded into larger playing area: use the whole space to keep the defense spread out
  • Decrease/increase numbers and/or playing area based on team size and skill level
  • Count passes out loud
  • Have lots of balls around boundaries to keep the play moving
  • Aim for three, three to five-minute periods and give your team time to discuss strategy between periods
  • Award a team a point if they complete four passes after expanding into the full playing area

Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Zone 2

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Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Zone 2
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Zone 2

Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Zone 3

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Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Zone 3
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Zone 3

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