Hockey Session (Under 14s): Quick Shooting Drill

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Reseller-Club: Sportways

Olmer Meijer

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Olmer Meijer
Name: Olmer Meijer
City: Amsterdam
Country: Netherlands
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Hockey
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Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Quick Shooting Drill

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Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Quick Shooting Drill
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Quick Shooting Drill


Quick preparation and scoring technique to make goal shot quickly.


1 plays the ball to A. A scores two touch. At the moment A hits the ball 2 plays the ball to A, two touch scoring. At the moment A hits, 3 passes and after that 4.

After the round, 1 goes in and the players rotate to the next number.


1. A keep stick still and look at the ball.

2. A Quick shots means prepare in the best way. Shortest way to perfection. block the ball to the perfect spot, height of left foot, one step and hit (SEE PICTURE)

3. Be balanced. Weight center point on left foot when you hit.


Play bouncing balls to make it more difiicult.

Play two balls instead of four to make it easier.

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