Futsal Session (Senior): Brams Soccer-Fit Session 1 (Start Time: 2013-11-07 20:30:00)

Profile Summary

Miles O'Connor
Name: Miles O'Connor
City: Milton
Country: Canada
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Futsal
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SSG- 1v1 Games with Sprinting and 1v1 duels.

Speed Agility- Compass run 6 Reps, Funnel Run 8 Reps, 5-10-5 Shuttles 8 Reps, 2 Tower Drills 8 Reps, Hand Run 8 Reps - 30 second rest between reps.

Force Training: Each exercise is to be performed for 45 seconds with a 30 second rest in between exercises. Do 2 rotations of the assigned body circuit with a 3 minute rest in between circuits.

1. Squat Jumps

2. Lunges alternate legs.

3. Bicycle crunches - hands behind head, legs off the ground, opposite elbow to knee.

4. Push ups

5. Broad jumps -jump as far out as you can. Yes for 45 seconds

6. Bench dips- hands on a bench or chair, feet straight out on the floor, lower yourself until upper arm is parallel

with the floor

7. Burpees jump - hands on ground, extend you legs into a push up position, legs back to chest, jump.

8. Clap Pushups

9. Hip ups - Lie on your back, legs straight up in the air, shoot your hips to the ceiling.

10. Bicycle Jumps - right foot in front, left foot back, jump as high as possible and alternate feet – 20 jumps 11. Mountain Climbers- keep knee over your ankle

12. Front Plank

Endurance: Pass/Sprint:

- players in groups of 4, with 1 ball per group

- 1 player stands at the inside cone, and 3 stand at the outside cone, as shown in diagram

- players start with ball in hands, passing and moving to follow the pass

- perform the exercise for 2 minutes at a low intensity, then 5 sets of 1 minute, passing and sprinting as fast as possible, with 20 seconds rest between sets

- progress to put the ball at the feet

- perform 5 sets of 1 minute, one-

touch passing and sprinting as fast as possible, with 20 seconds rest between sets

Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Circuit Layout

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Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Circuit Layout
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Circuit Layout

Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): SSG

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Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): SSG
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2 players start in middle of their gate. Coach shouts a number, player must touch that pole then sprint across to other gate.

• Coach serves ball to winner of race and then play 1 v 1, first player to dribble through opponents gate

• 6 x sprints = a set

3 sets in one practice, change the distance of


Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Endurance

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Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Endurance
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Endurance: “Pass/Sprint”:

- players in groups of 4, with 1 ball per group

- 1 player stands at the inside cone, and 3 stand at the outside cone, as shown in diagram

- 5 sets of 1 minute, passing and sprinting as fast as possible, with 20 seconds rest between sets

- progress to put the ball at the feet

- perform 5 sets of 1 minute, one-

touch passing and sprinting as fast as possible, with 20 seconds rest between sets

Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Speed Agility

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Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Speed Agility
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Speed Agility

Speed Agility- Compass run 6 Reps, Funnel Run 8 Reps, 5-10-5 Shuttles 8 Reps, 2 Tower Drills 8 Reps, Hand Run 8 Reps - 30 second rest between reps.

1.Compass Run-Place 5 cones 5 yards away from the middle marker as shown above. Start in the middle and sprint to a cone and back to the middle, continue to run to each cone (5 runs).

Repeat 5 times with a 30 second break between each set.

2.Funnel Run- Sprint laterally; keep the knees bent and shuttle side to side, when you reach the last cone sprint forward 10 yards, and walk back to the start.

3. 5-10-5 Shuttle- Start in a sport specific position and sprint 5 yards out. Touch the line and sprint to the starting line. Next sprint 10 yards, touch the line, and sprint back. Continue with the last 5 yards out and back. Change sprints into shuffle, carioca, and backpedal. Also change the direction the athlete turns after touching the line.

4. Tower Drill- Begin drill by backpedaling ten yards and then either shuffle/carioca ten yards to cone. Again backpedal another ten yards and shuffle/carioca ten yards through cone. Next sprint ten yards to cone and shuffle/carioca ten yards and finish with a ten-yard sprint to the last cone.

5. Hand Run: Begin at the START cone and sprint forwards to the 1st cone and then sprint backwards to the start cone, then sprint forwards to the 2nd cone and backwards to the start cone, continue to do the same for the 3rd, 4th & 5th cone....this equals one set.

Workload: 6-8 sets with a 30 second rest between each set

Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Force Training

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Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Force Training
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Force Training

Force Training: Each exercise is to be performed for 45 seconds with a 30 second rest in between exercises. Do 2 rotations of the assigned body circuit with a 3 minute rest in between circuits.

1. Squat Jumps

2. Lunges: alternate legs.

3. Bicycle crunches: hands behind head, legs off the ground, opposite elbow to knee.

4. Push ups

5. Broad jumps: jump as far out as you can. Yes for 45 seconds

6. Bench dips : hands on a bench or chair, feet straight out on the floor, lower yourself until upper arm is parallel with the floor

7. Burpees Jump: hands on ground, extend you legs into a push up position, legs back to chest, jump.

8. Clap Pushups

9. Hip ups : lie on your back, legs straight up in the air, shoot your hips to the ceiling.

10. Bicycle Jumps : right foot in front, left foot back, jump as high as possible and alternate feet, 20 jumps

11. Mountain Climbers: keep knee over your ankle

12. Front Plank

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