Football/Soccer Session (Beginner): Foundational Warm Up

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Harrison Youth Soccer Club

Marcos Soto

Profile Summary

Marcos Soto
Name: Marcos Soto
City: Harrison
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Foundational Warm Up

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Foundational Warm Up
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Foundational Warm Up


  • 30 x 20
  • Every player with a ball
  • 4 Pug goals or cone goals
  • As shown on the diagram players split into 2-3 teams withpinnies
  • Players are given numbers


Depending on the topic and goals you want to achieve for your teams,each week you will choose from one of the foundations below to helpplayers be successful based on learning outcomes.
If you have GKs, add conditions specifically for them to allow them touse there hands to steal in the individual

and group possession activities.
Foundations Part 1 individual possession multiple surface control

Each player must complete a series of ball mastery multiple surface control. The coach or player will demonstrate the below list of movesand have the players copy for 1 minute.


  • Dribbling/running with the ball multiple surfaces inside outside laces & sole of the foot
  • Pendulums inside of the foot Forward+ Backward 
  • Toe Taps Forward+ Backward
  • Pull back


  • Inside cut
  • Outside cut
  • V turn
  • U turn
  • Scissors
  • Advanced
  • L turn
  • Ronaldo chop
  • Cannons
Foundations Part 2 Individual Possession Player Attributes

  • Players dribble the ball around the inside of the grid imitating a characteristic of the below professional players. (Boys and Girls)Painting the Picture of each one of the player's characteristics:

* MESSI/LLOYD: Head up looking to get into the gaps using small, quick touches with the Pinky Toe (outside of the foot).
* POGBA/HORAN: Head up to recognize when there's no gaps/space, then change of direction (12 o'clock to 6 o'clock), ball comes out ofyour feet, and then head and eyes up getting into the new space.
* RONALDO/MORGAN: Head up to see when there's a lot of space in front of you, then big touch to accelerate and get your head/eyes upand attack the space.
CHRISTIAN PULISIC/PUGH : Head up to recognize small tight spaces ,using the inside/outside surfaces of the foot to unbalancedefenders and make the space big enough to penetrate.
NEYMAR/HEATH Using multiple surfaces to manipulate the ball unbalance defenders using a move to create space for end product. 

Game Instructions

  • On coaches command, a number is called out and the players with the respective number will become defender. They will try to
  • steal the ball and transition to score a goal in one of the pug goals. In the example on the diagram, #2 was called so all #2's will go todefend the opposite teams.
  • The players on the ball will gain points by keeping possession of the ball for the entire round (30 second rounds).
  • -You can also do this by shouting out the colors of the groups so the color you call will defend.

Ball mastery Warm UP (10 mins)

Foundations part 3 Group possession

  • -Same set up as foundations part 2 but now teams have one ball and they are looking to maintain possession of the ball

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Motor Skill

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Motor Skill
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Motor Skill


  • 30 x 20
  • Small square in the center of the channel
  • The size to the square depends on the skill level of the players.The more narrow the harder will be to go pass the defender.


  • Players start with 3 points. 
  • We will restrict a defender/tagger insidethe box. 
  • Players will try to go pass the tagger to score a point but If youget tag you will lose one. 
  • Attackers will start on both edges of thechannel. 
  • After an attacker scores or gets tagged, a new attacker fromthe opposite edge of the channel will start. 
  • Play only for 40 secondsand then switch tagger. 
  • The player with the most points at the end isthe winner of the game.
Coaching Points

  • Pay attention to the visual cue to start
  • Approach defender at speed
  • Unbalance defender by using body feints
  • Big Step to the side, Drop shoulder, Knee over the toe (creating a spring), 
  • Change direction and accelerate to the opposite sidewhere you came from.


You can do it with pinnies if they are available. Attackers can put their pinnies on the side of its shorts and teach them how to protectits asset.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Technical Skill Reps

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Technical Skill Reps
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Technical Skill Reps


  • 20 x 15 channels
  • Each player with a ball
  • 9 cones
  • Players will start on air high 5 then dribble at each other
  • Before they meet, they will perform an assigned move for 1 point andthen dribble to the end of the line. The first one to cross the end linewill get and extra 1 point.
  • encourage Player use both feet  

Coaching Points

  • Observation while dribbling
  • Small vs Big touches
  • Change direction, Change speed
Technical Skill Moves:


  • Dribbling/running with the ball multiple surfaces inside outside laces& sole of the foot
  • Pendulums inside of the foot Forward+ Backward
  • Toe Taps Forward+ Backward
  • Pull back

  • Inside cut
  • Outside cut
  • V turn
  • U turn
  • Feint
  • Scissors

  • L turn
  • Ronaldo chop
  • Cannons
  • Progressions:
  • Add pugs so theycan score on
  • -Play with 1 ball and make it a 1 vs 1 situation.

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Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):

Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen

Back/Forward: Drag timeline button