Futsal Session (Beginner): Futsal introduction

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Steve Gulliver
Name: Steve Gulliver
City: Southampton
Country: United Kingdom
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Futsal
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Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Futsal introduction

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Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Futsal introduction
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Futsal introduction

Futsal is a great game to understand player role/rotation. have lots of fast transitions and It encourages players to pass quickly and perform skills to beat an apponent. With the fast transitions and high scoring it is very much like a football version of basketball. Although you could put players in fixed positions, when

futsal is played well it differs from normal foorball because players assume the role of the area vthey find themselves on the pitch rather than being fixed. this is like being an actor playing a certain role or character depending which area they are. Players are encouraged to move and find different spaces on the pitch assuming the character or positional role in the zone or area they are which is a positive tactic in possession as constant movement is key in small sided games. There are less formations in futsal than normal foorbal but the key is to move, rotate positions and all attack & all defend quickly as possible. There are lots of transitions and counter attacking oppotuniries. On the next picture there is a formation and the zones the player assumes the role of whilst in possesion in that zone. when out of possesion the focus is just to win the ball back as quickly as possible or get goalside to be compact if you can't.

Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Diamond formation

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Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Diamond formation
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Diamond formation

In possession

This futsal formation is a diamond shape with 1 goalie, 1 dendender, 2 wingers and a striker (1-1-2-1)

This formation is good in my opinion because it encourages width by having no central player. Either the attacker would step out with the ball or the attacker would dtop in, leaving the wide players to recieve the ball and be direct or link with the striker.

Out of possession

When out of possession the wingers drop back to defence and the striker drops back into the midfield so the formation would look like 1-3-1.

key points

Remember, the zones are for guidenace. you are not lock into these areas. The players are encouraged to move around and rotate but you are trying to have a player in each of theses zones as often as possible when in possesion. if the defender moves in to the right wing position then one of the other players would drop in to fill that space and be the defender. Then another player would move to fill that players position.

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