Football/Soccer Session (Moderate): 1v1 shooting/decision making pro into +1 then 3v3

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Am-Club: ClubFootball, Beijing

ClubFootball China

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ClubFootball China
Name: ClubFootball China
City: Beijing
Country: China
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Unopposed shooting

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Unopposed shooting
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Unopposed shooting (15 mins)

SET UP: 1 dribbles into mannequin, executes a skill (coaches choice), works to the left and has an option of 3 gates to travel through. Depending on gate depends what foot the finish is, left gate left foot, right-right and central either but disguised finish. Player 2 does the same on other half of pitch. # minutes working on left side skill on mannequin then switch to 3 minutes on right hand side.

KEY POINTS: Execution of skill to set up a drive through a gate. Execution of skill to get on desired foot to strike ball. Placement of shot.

POTENTIAL PROGRESSIONS: Goalkeeper on one side only to add realism, other side is for achieving success.

Review / Reflect (to be completed after each session)..

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Opposed shooting/Decision making

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Opposed shooting/Decision making
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Opposed shooting/Decision making (15 mins)

SET UP: Defender has now been added to either side, Defenders can only move in alotted space shown by black arrows and cannot engage attacker until skill has been performed. If defender wins ball can they drive across into other half of pitch, through a gate and score a goal.

KEY POINTS: Due to fast pace nature of session can attackers identify where the defender has left space and attack it before defender can recover.

POTENTIAL PROGRESSIONS: Defender must touch a flat marker after every attempted tackle before engaging a new attacker. Can attack drive at defender when of balance and recovering from another attempt to win the ball, dominate a 1v1.

Review / Reflect (to be completed after each session)..

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Decision making with a +1 to combine and have a shot

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Decision making with a +1 to combine and have a shot
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Decision making with a +1 to combine and have a shot (20 mins)

SET UP: Introduction of magic defender (number 3) can defend either side, if win ball the defender can drive across other half and score. Only condition of this defender is cannot tackle before skill has been performed. Attackers can now attack side of their choice hopefully creating overloads and space

KEY POINTS: Can attacker be aware of magic defender, where is attackers best chance of success, idetify space and really attacker. If magic defender is in other half and trying to recover can attacker get body in between ball and defender.

POTENTIAL PROGRESSIONS: Introduce a magic player where only 1-2s can be used .

Review / Reflect (to be completed after each session)..

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 3v3

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 3v3
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3v3 (25 mins)

SET UP:Half the pitch stripped away, other half has been made deeper, now playing a 3v3. 1 dribbles ball to mannequin, plays back to 2 or 3 and then go 3v3 tring to score. Number 1 becomes the point of attack. Defending team win the ball can they break past the mannequin and score within 3 passes.

KEY POINTS: Can attaking team get throgh a gate before having a shot.Can number 1 receive to feet and dominate his 1v1, try to turn and drive through gate. Can number 1 make runs to distract outside defenders enabling 2 and 3 to drive through an outside gate.


Review / Reflect (to be completed after each session)..

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