Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): 9v9 Practice 1: Building from the back

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Craig Birtwistle

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Craig Birtwistle
Name: Craig Birtwistle
City: New Jersey
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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To improve teams ability to play out of the back into middle third both centrally and through wide areas

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Arrival Activity

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Arrival Activity
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Arrival Activity (10 mins)

Set up:

Arrival Practice prior to session beginning. 


Start with 3v1 and grow to multiple 3v1 as players arrive. Once all players have arrived the warm up beginnings. We have 8 players on the outside of each small square = 2 on the whole side of the big rectangle. 4 players surround the inside squares. Each square as a ball and the aim is to keep possession against the 1 player in the middle. The 4 inside red players need to keep turning to help the group in front of them/behind them. Defender holds pinnie and switches once possession is won.

Progression: Defenders switch squares to the left each time they win the ball. Meaning there could now be more than one defender in a square. Defender can come out once he/she has won 4 challenges.

Coaching Points:

Encourage players to use the correct technique and correct foot to receive, keep open hips and disguise passes.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Technical practice

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Technical practice
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Technical practice (15 mins)

Passing patterns that lead to a 1v1 in the channel.

Pattern 1. Keeper (1) passes to center back (4) who passes to center/holding mid (6 or 8) who finds the full back (2)

Pattern 2: Keeper (1) passes to center mid (6) back to center back (5) who passes to full back (3)

Alternative: Center mid can follow the pass and play a 2v1 against the full back. Center mid must stay outside channel but can score and can be defended against.

Coaching Points

Quality, weight and direction of touch and pass

Movement off the ball

Position of hips

Checking shoulder / scanning field

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Skill Development

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Skill Development
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Skill Development (15 mins)

Same as above but now there are three areas to attack. We start with right, then center, then left based on players checking shoulder and seeing where the coach (black shirt) is. If he is on the left (turn right), to close (spin central) or right (turn left)

Coaching Points

Quality, weight and direction of touch and pass

Movement off the ball

Position of hips

Checking shoulder / scanning field

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Skill Development 2

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Skill Development 2
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Skill Development 2 (15 mins)

Same as above. 6 (holding mid and center backs are the key). He will support the play wherever it goes and can switch the play to go to different goals. It would be 2v1 in the channel or 2v2 in the middle). Players can use center backs as well to switch play.

Coaching Points

Quality, weight and direction of touch and pass

Movement off the ball

Position of hips

Checking shoulder / scanning field

Width, depth and height

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Functional Practice

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Functional Practice
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Functional Practice (20 mins)

Now we add a central goal a striker for white (9) and 4 midfielders (or 2 center mids and 2 full backs for the 7v7 teams). Can the team do the patterns to create enough space to score.

Coaching Points

Quality, weight and direction of touch and pass

Movement off the ball

Position of hips

Checking shoulder / scanning field

Width, depth and height

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): SSG

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): SSG
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SSG (20 mins)

Set up:

Small Sided Game


Regular scrimmage

Coaching Points:

Find 1-2 moments that relate back to the topic in a realistic enviroment.

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