Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): Running With The Ball

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Pro-Club: FAW Coach Ed

Zac Lloyd

Profile Summary

Zac Lloyd
Name: Zac Lloyd
City: Cardiff
Country: United Kingdom
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Session Schedule:

  • Warm-Up:  Save The Base - 5 mins

  • Head Up #1 - 5 mins
  • Break - 2.5 mins
  • Head Up #2 - 10 mins
  • Passing & Running 15 mins
  • Water Break - 2.5 mins
  • Mini Game with Lanes - 20 mins

Session Expected Benefits

  • Running With The Ball
  • Short Passing

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Starting Pitch Setup

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Starting Pitch Setup
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Starting Pitch Setup

Area Setup based on 10 players:  20 meters by 10 meters.

Equipment required:

  • 2 goals
  • 10 bibs - 2 different colours
  • 4 blue cones
  • 8 yellow cones
  • 16 red cones
  • At least 10 balls

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm-Up:  Save The Base

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm-Up:  Save The Base
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Warm-Up: Save The Base (5 mins)

Warm-Up: Save the base - a quick and fun way for players to warm up.  It's a race to the base.

Starting the drill:  Place 4 red bibs on each yellow cone and 1 blue bib in the middle within Area 1.  Replicate in Area 2 but swap the bibs around.  Players to bib-up and should not move from their starting position.

Running the drill:  Players on the outside of the cones should look to run to a different cone, in affect swapping cones with players.  If the player from the middle beats a player to a cone which is unoccupied, then the losing player from the outside then goes inside.  Players can also run back to their cone if they decide to change their mind. 


  • Head-up
  • Identify cone
  • Time of run
  • Sprint

Adaptations (Progressions & Regressions):

Progression:  Bring all players into the middle, 8 on cones and 2 defenders.  Repeat game on a larger scale.


Challenges, Conditions or Targets:

Score counting, players to count how many times they can run to a new cone without losing a base.

Coach Support

C = Potential coaching positions to observe.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Head Up #1

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Head Up #1
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Head Up #1 (5 mins)

Technical Drill:  Players to run with the ball at a slower pace.  Aim of this drill is ensure that players are running with their heads up whilst limiting number of touches on the ball.

Starting the drill:  Players to find a ball (see Starting Pitch Setup for location of balls), players should not kick the ball and remain in starting position.

Running the drill:  Players to run with the ball from A to B.  Once all starting players from A reach B, players from B should then run to A.  This is repeated for a 1 minute interval and allow 30 seconds recovery.


  • Identify space
  • Get ball out of feet
  • Make contact with laces
  • Head up
  • Get into running stride 
  • Move quickly

Adaptations (Progressions & Regressions):

Progression:  Players to run at a faster pace.  Increase distance between cones.

Regression:  Ask players to run one at a time.  Reduce distance between cones.

Challenges, Conditions or Targets:

Can players control the ball after they've finished their run?

Can players perform a skill turn after they've finished their run?

Can players use their non-kicking foot to run with the ball?

Coach Support

C = Potential coaching positions to observe.

Focus area for coaches should be on players fatigue, is this session too physically demanding?

Coach to monitor expected mechanics and ensure they are being followed.  If an intervention is required, this could be performed on a 1-1 basis, sub group or the entire group.

Consider stocking up on balls should players lose control of their balls.  

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Head Up #2

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Head Up #2
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Head Up #2 (10 mins)

Progressing the previous drill to a blend of Technical and Skill drill.

Starting the drill:  Blue bib players to go to Area 1, 3 players at top and 2 at the bottom.  Red bib players to go to Area 2, 3 on the left and 2 on right.

Running the drill: Players to run with the ball between Areas. Once all starting players one side of the Area have made it across, the other players from the same area can run.  Both sets of bibs from Red & Blue (Area 1 & 2) should run at the same time.  Players should avoid running into each other and time their run.  Run drill for 1 minute and allow for a 30 second break.  After 3 instances, ask players to swap Areas.


  • Identify space
  • Get ball out of feet
  • Make contact with laces
  • Head up
  • Get into running stride
  • Move quickly

Adaptations (Progressions & Regressions):

Progression:  Players to run at a faster pace.  Increase distance between Area 2.   

Regression: Ask players to run one at a time. Reduce distance between cones.

Challenges, Conditions or Targets:

Can players control the ball after they've finished their run?

Can players perform a skill turn after they've finished their run?

Can players use their non-kicking foot to run with the ball?

Coach Support

C = Potential coaching positions to observe.

Focus area for coaches should be on players fatigue, is this session too physically demanding?

Coach to monitor expected mechanics and ensure they are being followed. If an intervention is required, this could be performed on a 1-1 basis, sub group or the entire group.

Consider stocking up on balls should players lose control of their balls.  

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Passing & Running

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Passing & Running
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Passing & Running (15 mins)

Skill Drill:  Introducing passing and creating a safe zone for players to run with the ball. 

Starting the drill:  Ask the players to get into pairs and number themselves from 1 to 5.  Pair 1 should go to Area 3 and put a blue bib on.  Remaining players to put red bibs on.  Pair 2 & 3 to Area 1 and pair 4 & 5 to Area 2.

Running the drill:  

Coach plays ball into Area 1, at this stage a defender from Area 3 can enter Area 1. 

Red bibs should aim to make 3 consecutive passes within the 'Passing Lane' without losing the ball.  

Once 3 passes have been made, a player should Run With The Ball via the 'Run With Ball Lane' to Area 2.  A defender is not allowed to enter the 'Run With Ball Lane'.

A point is then gained for the pairs from Area 1.  The player who ran with the ball should then return to their original area.    

At that stage the next defender from Area 3 should look to tackle the ball and play is repeated from Area 2 > 1.  

If a blue bib tackles the ball, then a point is gained for the defending pair.

Repeat for 2 minutes and swap pairs within Area 3


  • Look at target
  • Eye on ball
  • Angle of approach
  • Non-kicking foot alongside ball
  • Strike centre of ball
  • Firm angle
  • Follow through
  • Follow Mechanics of previous drills 

Adaptations (Progressions & Regressions):

Progression:  A defender can enter the 'Run With Ball Lane'.  Reduce width of 'Run With Ball Lane'.  Decrease the area of 'Passing Lane'.  Increase number of required consecutivepasses.  

Regression:  Remove defenders.  Increase width of 'Run With Ball Lane'.  Decrease distance of  'Run With Ball Lane'.  Reduce number of required consecutivepasses to two.

Challenges, Conditions or Targets:

Additional points could be gained by completing more consecutivepasses.  Example, if the rule is 3 passes and 5 passes are made and carried to the other area, 5 points could be gained.  

If a defender tackles a ball, the defending pair is awarded points for the total number of consecutivepasses made.

Can players push the ball through 'Run With Ball Lane' with their first touch?

Can players use the full area of the 'Passing Lane' to add to the success of passes?

Can players use their non-kicking foot to pass and run with the ball?

Coach Support

C = Potential coaching positions to observe.

Focus area for coaches should be on players fatigue, is this session too physically demanding?

Coach to monitor expected mechanics and ensure they are being followed. If an intervention is required, this could be performed on a 1-1 basis, sub group or the entire group.

Consider stocking up on balls should players lose control of their balls.  

Ensure Mechanics of from Head Up #1 & #2 are being followed.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Mini Game with Lanes

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Mini Game with Lanes
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Mini Game with Lanes (20 mins)

Mini game to finish the session.  Focusing on players entering lanes and Running With The Ball.

Starting the drill:  Split group into two teams and bib-up.

Running the drill:  Players to decide if they would like to enter the 'Running Lane'.  A dependency for entering the lane is for the team to make 3 consecutivepasses.  Once completed, a player can enter the 'Running Lane' and Run With The Ball unopposed.


  • Follow the Mechanics of the previous drills

Adaptations (Progressions & Regressions):

Progression:  Reduce area size of 'Running Lane'.  Increase the required number of passes to be completed before entering the 'Running Lane'.  A defender can also enter the 'Running Lane.

Regression:  Remove rule of consecutive passes before entering 'Running Lane'.  Add a square in-front of goal, if a player receives a pass within the square, a free shot at goal can be made.  

Challenges, Conditions or Targets:

Can players limit touches to 3?

Can players use their weaker foot when passing, crossing & shooting?

Can attackers run and overload the box when a team mate enters the 'Running Lane'?

Can a player cross the ball early from the 'Running Lane'?

Coach Support

C = Potential coaching positions to observe.

Focus area for coaches should be on players fatigue, is this session too physically demanding?  Consider resting players by using rolling subs.

Coach to monitor expected mechanics and ensure they are being followed. If an intervention is required, this could be performed on a 1-1 basis, sub group or the entire group.

Consider stocking up on balls should players lose control of their balls.  

Ensure players follow the Mechanics of Running With The Ball whilst in the 'Running Lane'.

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