Name: | Steven Rodden |
City: | Gateshead |
Country: | United Kingdom |
Membership: | Adult Member |
Sport: | Football/Soccer |
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
Week 2
1) Using principles from previous week: As you get closer to the ball, get lower, hands down by ankles, in front of body.
Goalkeeper starts around 5 yards from middle striker, moves quickly to a stop around 1 yard from the ball, holds position, striker pulls back to shoot and goalkeeper explodes into large block (long barrier), spreading arms out to side to cover as much area as possible.
Central server can now shoot or instruct keeper to move right/left. Keeper moves to central server, then moves feet to explode into big block on the angle. Ensure keeper steps out with right leg on right side and steps out with left leg on left side.
Work 6-10 serves for each keeper
2) Smothering/Spreading
Server in middle stand with ball in hands. Goalkeeper starts approx 5 yards away again. Server bounces ball quite hard/high (waist height) towards 1/2 wide players.
Goalkeeper moves out on to front foot to move quickly to smother ball with wide server putting slight pressure on ball.
Keeper throws hands out and towards, keeps head in behind for protection.
central player rolls ball to wide player, keeper moves onto front foot quickly to close distance, spread quickly to make block.
drop into splits keeping upper body big and spreading arms
1 of 2 set ups
1. 25x10 set up with 1 yard goals
1v1 or 2v2
play without tackling, only use of blocks/interceptions to regain possession.
each team plays as normal in terms of scoring etc..
Condition passes/how to score if you wish
3/4 players all playing against each other. Can team up if they trust each other!
rules as above with no tackling, only blocking/spreading/smothering to regain possession.
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
Week 3
3 different start positions; left, centre, right
Server players ball through for attacker to latch on to, shooting early on no or 1 touch.
Assess keepers start position, movement towards ball, angles, save selection etc..
Progress to allowing attacker to make decision to shoot early, get close to keeper to shoot or take keeper on.
Final progression, server now turns into recovering defender.
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
Week 4
Begin session with small 1v1 or 2v2 game as in week 2.
Play begins approx 30 yards out. Ball is transferred from 1 side to the other then played in to 1 of the 2 'strikers'. Receiving striker plays ball in to partner who then attacks the goal.
Encourage free play where striker can take an early strike, dribble up to keeper to shoot or attempt to take it around them.
Assess goalkeepers start position, approach, decision making etc.
Change set-up if you have more/less numbers.
© Copyright 2022 Sport Session Planner Ltd.
Developed with Partnership Developers, a division of Kyosei Systems.
Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):
Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen
Back/Forward: Drag timeline button
One on One Technique (35 mins)
Week 1
1) Set up - 8x20 area
1 server - 1 goalkeeper (players can be left spare but rotating regularly)
Server plays heavy ball towards goalkeeper and puts on light pressure
Goalkeeper comes out quickly to attack the ball, steppping out and towards direction of ball, driving hands down towards ball keeping head in behind ball/hands for protection and raising top knee to protect body.
This replicates a heavy through ball played through for attacking player. Goalkeeper must react quickly to cut out threat under pressure.
As they get closer to the ball they get lower with hands dropping towards ankles and in front of body.
2) Same set up as before
Server now dribbles towards goalkeeper, when they get there allow the goalkeeper to take the ball at their feet.
As server is in control of the ball, goalkeeper edges out slowly, getting lower the closer they get to the ball/server. When approx. 1 metre away the goalkeeper should be right down with legs close together, hands in front of ankles, feet set ready to react to attackers movement. When ball is shifted to side, goalkeeper can either step out or step away (collapse) driving hands down towards ball, keeping head tucked in behind for protection.
3) Attacking player now has only 5 seconds to dribble past goalkeeper into end zone under control.
Encourage attacker to use different types of touch to assess goalkeepers understanding of previous 2 aspects of one on ones. Edging out when attacker is in control, closing distance quickly on big/poor touch and regaining control of body when striker regains control.
Introduce keeper jockeying attacker and forcing them wide/holding them up on a strikers touch wide or past goalkeeper that they aren't able to immediately smother.