Football/Soccer Session (Difficult): Defensive Pressure

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David Frank

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David Frank
Name: David Frank
City: San Rafael
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Setup

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Setup
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Setup (30 mins)

FIFA 11 Warm up + Hip Mobility

Setup: 6x30 yards (25 min)


FIFA 11 Warm-Up - Each exercise is ran 2x

Activity Out | Activity Back

1) Jog | Back Pedal

2) 3 Squats at Each Cone | Side Shuffle

3) Linear Hops | Crossover Runs (Carioca)

4) Hip In | Hip Out

5) Plank (1 min.) & Sideways Plank (30 seconds each side)

6) Linear Hop Stick | Active Hamstring Stretch

7) Diagonal Hop Stick | Quad Stretch

8) Shuffle Around | Glute Heel Knee Up Stretch

9) Glute Bridges (3 sets of 10)

10) Header Jump | SL Toe Touch/Superman

11) 3 Step Diagonal Plant and Cut | Toy Soldiers

12) Skips for Height | 75%

13) Skips for Distance | 100%

14) Forward & Backwards | Light Skips

Hip Mobility Routine (8 min. max)

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 4v2

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 4v2
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4v2 (25 mins)

4v2 Defending Space to Win Back Possession: 10 x 8 yds. (25 min.)

- Can go 5v2, 6v2, or 6v3 in 18x12 yard grid, if needed

- 2 touches, can progress to 1 or 2-touch/1-touch

- Defenders work in pairs for 60 second rounds

- Attacking team scores if they connect 7 passes

Possible Progressions:

A) Attackers score any time a defender cannot make play predictable and gets beat

B) Attackers also score anytime they get split

C) Defenders score if they can win back possession


1) Recognize what space (line) is most dangerous

2) Make space as small as possible: Execute closing down technique at proper angle to make play predictable and then get REAL ball pressure.

Coaching Points:

- Recognize what space to defend based on what is most dangerous

- Defend that line/space to make play predictable at ALL COSTS! Be disciplined in this.

- Communicate! "I go!" "Force left!"

- Close down hard with proper technique and body position (low, small steps as you get close, proper distance)

- Start being clever to bait attacker into playing where you want so you can win back possession

- Understand what to do when you win the ball: Pass, dribble, keep it?

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 6v6+1 4-Goal Game

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 6v6+1 4-Goal Game
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6v6+1 4-Goal Game (25 mins)

6v6+1 4-Goal Game: 40 x 30 yds. (25 min.)

- Three 5-minute games keeping score.

- Unlimited touches to start

- No offside for build out team

Progressions: 3-touch max, 2-touch/1-touch


1) Recognize what space is most dangerous and manage that space.

2) Close down properly to apply REAL pressure and make that space as SMALL as possible in the proper moments.

3) Press with intensity to win possession back when possible, without risking penetration.

Coaching Points:

- Time your pressure

- COMMIT to pressing when you go

- Think about the defensive roles and what line/space is most dangerous

- Defend that line/space to make play predictable at ALL COSTS! Be disciplined in this.

- Communicate: I go! Force Left! etc.

- Choose your times to press as a unit based on visual cues: Slow pass, bad touch, ball in air, back turned, predictable pass, etc.

- Look for the moments to press and be alert to them!

- There should be a clear change of pace and energy when we press together

- Do we need to drop and stay compact? Is there adequate ball pressure?

N/A: Joe, Tom, Cole, Declan, Diaz, Diego G.

Blue Team: Eddie (Nick/Devin), Louie (Garvey), Selway (Ozzie), Max (Adam), Reo (Mike), Finn (Ocampo)

Yellow Team: Sanchez (Barrios), Barrios (Jesus), Cisse (Finn/Reo), Dom (AP/Vic), Jesus (Eddie/Elias), Lex (Shawn/Owen)

Neutral: Jayden (Ocampo)

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 11v11 Small

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 11v11 Small
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11v11 Small (30 mins)

11v11 Small: High Pressure Def./Maintaining Possession Under Pressure (35 min.)

- 10 passes = 1 point

- Wall pass = 1 point

- Shot on goal = 1 points

- Goals = 5 points

- 3 touch maximum or unlimited


1) Focus to Recognize what space is most dangerous.

2) Work Rate to Execute closing down to apply REAL pressure and make space as small as possible.

3) Press together (compactness/balance) to win possession back when possible, without risking penetration.

Coaching Points:

- Recognize the most dangerous space to defend and your role/responsibility

- Time your pressure

- COMMIT to pressing when you go

- Get ball pressure when possible!

- Focus on 1v1 Def.

- COMMUNICATION: I go! Force left!

- Focus to get organized and defend as a unit: High pressure or low pressure?

- Stay compact as a unit: Spacing is more important than the ball or opponent!!!

- Defensive roles: 9 defends GK/6/space between, 7/11 defends outside backs/CBs/space in between, 8/10/6 man mark MF 3 on outside shoulders to force them inside, outside backs read the game to step high and inside when needed

- Discipline to stay within role... Do you have to win the ball?

N/A: Tom, Joe, Declan, Cole, Diaz, Diego G.

Blue Team: Ayo (Nylmar), Louie, Selway, Eddie (Nick), Max, Sanchez (Barrios), Barrios (Jesus), Cisse (Finn), Shawn (AP), Elias, Owen (Vic)

Yellow Team: Sam (Fernando), Garvey, Ozzie, AP (Adam), Nick (Devin), Ocampo (Mike), Finn (Ocampo), Reo, Dom (Lex), Jesus (Eddie), Lex (Shawn)

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Functional Work

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Functional Work
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Functional Work

30 min.

- Crossing/Finishing + Shooting for attackers

- Ball speed/ball movement + heading technique for defenders

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