Name: | Brent Coble |
Country: | United States of America |
Membership: | Adult Member |
Sport: | Football/Soccer |
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Defensive Offside Trap:
-6 defensive players (red) 4,2. the back line 4 can be near the in-between point of the 18 yard box and midfield line. The 2 are about 5 or so yards in the direction of the mid-line in front of of the back 4.
-7 offensive players (blue) 3,3 and 1 taking the free kick.
-1 goal keeper in the 18 yard box.
-Right before the ball is kicked, players (red) in the back 4 are quickly stepping in attempt to catch players (blue) offsides.
Coaching points:
1) Players in the back line are to step forward as quickly as possible right before the kick is kicked.
2) The back line (red) players need to step up unison otherwise if one player lags behind that will leave players (blue) onside.
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
Defensive Wall on 18 yard box
7 players (red) are lined up on the 18 yard box. Players 1- 4 are on the wall on the ball side. Players 5,6, 7 are to be covering an positioned on the 18 yard line with the wall but positioned on the inside of the players (blue).
Goalkeeper (green) should be positioned on the left side of the wall covering the side the wall is not covering.
-Goalkeeper should set up the wall on the side where the ball is located based on the middle field (tip) use PK spot as point of reference on the center of the field or middle. Ball on right side of the field= wall on right side. The wall should be set up at least a half a body or to be conservative a full body length over the post the wall is covering to prevent the ball curving around the wall. green line above shows player 1 (red) covering that space.
-Keeper should be positioned on the opposite side of the wall and should have visibility of the ball. If the keeper does not have visibility due to players (blue) covering visibility, then keeper should tell a non wall player (red) teammate to body or move (in a nonviolent manner) player (blue) to help with visibility.
-Players (red) are to stay on 18 yard line until ball is kicked to create a offside trap incase the team (blue) tries to pass it through.
-Players (red) 1-4 are not to move duck or jump. Hands over the privates.
-if the ball is shot, players (red) are to rush the goal and clear any stray balls or rebound. If keeper (green) calls "keeper", players (red) are to cover and protect keeper and block players (blue) from getting to the ball with their body.
1)Free kick is on the right side / wall on right side. Kicker (blue) goes for goal.
2)Free kick is on the left side / wall on left side. Kicker (blue) goes for goal.
3)Free kick is to be passed to one of the blue teammates and players (red) are to gain possession or clear ball.
Coaching points:
1) Make sure goalkeepers can see ball. If not, have goalkeeper communicate to teammate to move bodies to make space to so keeper can see.
2) Make sure goalkeeper sets up wall properly with at least half body length over the goal post. Have goalkeeper physically go goal post on far side and check to make sure it is done.
3) Make sure free players (red) non -wall are covering players (blue) from the inside to put them in-between players blue and the goal.
4)Make sure players (red) are on the 18 yard box until ball is kicked to maintain the offside trap.
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
Corner Defend
-7 players (red) are defending. Player 1 (red) is to be placed near the corner of the goalie box on ball side body facing the ball at the corner. The other 6 players (red) are to be man on man with their body placed between players (blue) and the goal. Player (red) front of body should be half way facing player (blue) and the ball at the corner.
-7 Players (blue) are attacking. One player is taking corner kick. 3 players are on the top of the 18 and 3 players are in the 18 yard box.
-Goalkeeper (green) is in the goal box body half of body faced toward the mid-field and other half facing ball (on the goal line for in swinging kick and off the goal line a few feet for out swinging kick.
Player 1 (red) placed near the corner of the goalie box on ball side body facing the ball at the corner is defending against low driven balls coming into the middle or on top of the goalie box which are difficult for keepers to get. This player can be used to come out and put pressure on players (blue) if they play a short corner.
The other 6 (red) players are to play man on man and prevent players (blue) from scoring. If red gain possession they are play wide or clear it wide out of the danger zone. Players (red) need to be extremely close to players (blue) and give them no room to breath.
-Players (red) need to watch and be on their man (blue) right before the ball is kicked. Once the ball is kicked, they should direct their attention to the ball. If the ball is coming in their direction they are to go to the ball in attempt to clear. If they are not near the ball they should cover their man and prevent them from obtaining second and third balls.
-Players (blue) are trying moving all around in the box and are trying to score. The kicker is placing the ball in different locations in the 18 yard box.
-Goalkeeper (green) is responsible to get any balls coming into the goalie box in the air. If goalkeeper comes out to get the ball they need to yell "Keeper" to let teammates (red) know that keeper is coming to get ball and to protect and cover and prevent players (blue) from getting in keeper's way and getting the ball before keeper. If keeper is not coming out to get ball, Keeper needs to yell "away" to tell teammates (red) to clear ball.
1)Kick on left corner with right foot kicker in-ward swinging ball.
2)Kick on left corner with left foot kicker out-ward swinging ball.
3)Kick is on right corner with left foot kicker in-ward swinging ball.
4)Kick is on right corner with right foot kicker out-ward swinging ball.
Coaching points:
1) Corner kicks should be driven in hard.
2) Mix up how the corner kicks are being driven it (low), (in the air), (back post), (front post).
3) Make sure players (blue) are actually running in hard and trying to get a head or foot on the ball tying to score.
4) Players (red) need to watch and be on their man (blue) right before the ball is kicked. Once the ball is kicked, they should direct their attention to the ball. If the ball is coming in their direction they are to go to the ball in attempt to clear. If they are not near the ball they should cover their man and prevent them from obtaining second and third balls.
5) Keeper needs to yell loud "keeper" or "away" for every kick taken.
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
Free Kick Attack
7 players (red)
- Players 4 and 3 are each near each corner of the 18 yard box.
- Players 2 and 7 are standing in-front of players (blue) at each end of the wall. Facing ball.
- Player 1 is to stand behind wall and sneakily position his body between the ball and the goalkeeper. Facing ball and occasionally turning head back looking back at keeper's position.
-Player 5 and 6 are to stand 4 to 5 feet behind on each side of the ball facing goal side.
- 7 Players (blue) 5 are on the wall positioned on the 18 yard line on ball side of the field. 2 players are positioned on the 18 in line with the wall positioned on the inside of players (red) on the outside corners.
Players (red)
- Player 5 will fake the kick and take a couple steps to the side to make way for player 6 to take the kick. Player 6 will try to kick over the wall in the trying to place it ideally in far corner way from goalkeeper (Yellow).
-Players 2 and 7 will stand in-front of end wall players (blue) there role is to up struct the view of the end wall players (blue) right up to the kick is made. Once the kick is made, if the ball is coming at their head they are to duck down and hopefully the ball will sneak though the top without players (blue) behind them seeing the ball. If the ball is hit low at them they are to use their body and try to dummy the ball so the ball can go through the wall.
-Player 1 is sneakily position his body between the ball and the goalkeeper without being obvious about his intentions in order to obstruct the goalkeeper's view of the kicker and the ball. This action is to confuse and slower the keeper's ability to react to shot increasing the odds of a goal.
-Players 3 and 4 are to rush in toward goal on the inside of players (blue) once player 6 goes to make the kick. Their role is to score if there is a second ball opportunity.
-Players (blue) are trying to block and clear the ball.
-Goalkeeper (yellow) is trying to save shot.
1) Ball is placed on the right side of goal with wall on right side by player 6. Action is to try to bend or place ball over wall in right corner.
2) Ball is placed on the left side of goal with wall on right side by player 6. Action is to try to bend or place ball over wall in left corner.
3) Ball is to be passed through by player 5 to player 4 who is rushing in to score.
4) Ball is to be passed through to player 3 rushing in to goal by player 6 after player 5 fake kicks.
Coaching point:
1) Player 1 needs to discreetly block the view of the goalkeeper by just being being the wall and putting himself between the ball and keeper.
2) Players 3 and 4 need to start making their run when player 6 is going to make the kick. Run all the way in be looking for scraps to score.
3) Players 2 and 7 need to stand in-front of end wall players (blue).
4) Player 5 sell it that you are going to kick and after you fake go for goal.
5) Players (blue) make sure you are trying to block shots and cover players (red) to the best of your ability.
6) Goalkeeper (yellow) try your best to save shots.
© Copyright 2022 Sport Session Planner Ltd.
Developed with Partnership Developers, a division of Kyosei Systems.
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Corner Attack
Attacking Corner Drill
Organization: 6 lettered players (red) are offensive players trying to score. player A (red) is right footed kicking from the left corner. Player B placed on top left corner. Player C placed 5 to 7 feet from the top of the half circle on the 18 yard box. Player D is 5 to 7 feet on top of the 18 parallel with the back goal post. Player E is 4 to 5 feet to the right of player D. Player F is on top eight corner of 18. Behind the player and red cone behind the label to indicate starting position.
6 numbered players (blue) are on in the 18 yard box.
Player 1 placed on left corner of goalie box facing ball.
Player 2 placed parallel to left goalie box line 2-3 feet inside the 18 facing red player B.
Player 3 placed on top of the PK spot facing red players C and D.
Player 4 placed parallel to the PK spot and right goalie box line facing red players E and F.
Player 5 placed on inside of left goal post facing mid field.
Player 6 placed on inside of right goal post facing midfield.
1 goalie (green) in the middle of the goal on the goal-line.
Movement:Left Corner Kick:
- Player A (red) kicking from the left corner into the18 yard box staying away from the goalie box. Looks for red letter targets going into box.
-Player B runs toward front post.
-Player C stays on top of the 18 yard box looking for second or third balls coming back into play looking to shoot or put back into play.
-Player D runs toward front post.
-Player E runs toward the PK spot.
-Player F runs toward back post.
Right Corner Kick:
-Player A (red) kicking from the left corner into the18 yard box staying away from the goalie box. Looks for red letter targets going into box.
-Player B runs back post
-Player E and D on in same position but flip from the right side to the left side still running to the same spot. D to front post and E to PK spot.
-Player F runs to front post.
-Players (blue) stay in same positions exempt player 1 who goes from left to the right side goalie box corner.
Players (blue) try to clear balls coming into their area.
1)Kick on left corner with right foot kicker in-ward swinging ball.
2)Kick on left corner with left foot kicker out-ward swinging ball.
3)Kick is on right corner with left foot kicker in-ward swinging ball.
4)Kick is on right corner with right foot kicker out-ward swinging ball.
Coaching points:
1)Make sure players are in the right starting spots and are running to their designated area.
2) Corner kicks should be driven in hard.
3) Mix up how the corner kicks are being driven it (low), (in the air), (back post), (front post).
4) Make sure players (red) are actually running in hard and trying to get a head or foot on the ball tying to score.
5) Players (blue) are playing zone and are clearing balls that come into their area.