Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): Angled Shotstopping (Start Time: 2021-01-28 12:00:00)

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Pro-Club: Aberdeen FC

Matthew Mackie

Profile Summary

Matthew Mackie
Name: Matthew Mackie
City: Portsoy
Country: United Kingdom
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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- Focus on angled shot stopping within 12-20 yards region

- Focus on vertical and lateral readjustments to be in correct place to make save

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Technical Practice

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Technical Practice
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Technical Practice

Set up/Organisation/Description:

  • Goal created by flat markers
  • Roughly 6-8 yards from line place 3 flat markers (useful if different colours)
  • For option 1 and 2 there is only 1 feeder
  • For option 3 there is the same central feeder (striker) as well as a LW, RW and CM as shown


  • Option 1: GK starts deep in line with feeder. Coach shouts colour of cone- GK moves to that cone i.e yellow and readjusts deeper to deal with strike (Volley initially)
  • Option 2: GK movement is the same. Feeder has ball on floor and can touch either side to introduce slight angle on strike
  • Option 3: GK initial movement is the same. Coach can strike or throw to LW or RW for volley. Coach can strike from floor or pass to LW, RW for angled strike. Additionally, he can pass back to CM who can shift the ball to the sides and strike (3 touch)

Coaching points/learning objectives

  • Movement- Efficient and quickest path to the ball
  • Small readjustments
  • Positioning
  • Technical handing/ shotstopping


  • Numbers instead of cones
  • Increasing game realisticness through progression shown moving from option 1-2-3

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Game-Related

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Game-Related
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Set up/Organisation/Description:

  • Set up boxes for LW and RW (20x20)- Winger can drop deep/ play wide/ play as inverted winger to link with striker
  • 2 mannequins to represent CB, 1 striker between 2 CBs
  • CM starts with balls (Can be coach)


  • CM can play into either winger or striker
  • Wingers can receive ball anywhere in there box and can link with striker or switch play to opposite winger
  • Wingers can also strike from angle (3 touch max)
  • Striker can strike, play in winger or set back for CM running on to strike ( 3 touch max)

Coaching points/learning objectives

  • GK starting positions realistic to game (not stood on line when ball starts with CM)
  • Efficient movement quickest path to setting position
  • Positioning in relation to ball 

  • Handling decision making


  • Remove mannequins and add in 1 active CB- Game is now live and wingers can dribble to by line to cut back/ cross
  • GK starts play and can distribute to CM anywhere along width of pitch

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Conditioned Game

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Conditioned Game
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Conditioned Game

Set up/Organisation/Description:

  • 1 x 11 aside goal
  • 2 x mini goals angled (Roughly 30 yards out)
  • 4 V 2 (Coach included in 4)


  • Ball starts with coach who can play to Striker/CAM or either winger
  • This 3 then attack at main goal v 2 CBs
  • Attacking team (yellow) can play back to coach to keep possession if needed
  • CBs can attack mini goals if they win possession

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Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):

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