Hockey Session (Under 14s): Leinster Hockey Dublin Central/North West Region 24-03-24 / Travelling with pace and vision (Start Time: 2024-03-24 17:00:00)

Profile Summary

David Broderick
Name: David Broderick
City: Dublin
Country: Ireland
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Hockey
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Session is focused on travelling with the ball using a variety of technical movements which are developed through game / practice (isolation) / game. At the end of the session which put it all together in a favourite game.

Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warmup

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Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warmup
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Warmup (10 mins)

A lot of ball carrying in this session so during warm up pay particular attention to Quads, groin, and calves

Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Play 1

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Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Play 1
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Play 1 (15 mins)


Travel with the ball at pace and be ready to execute a sudden stop under control.


- Create a rectangular playing grid using throw-down lines approximately 20m x 5m.

- Divide the group into 2 teams. One group are numbers (1-2-3-4-5) and the other group are letters (A-B-C-D-E).

- Each team begins in a small holding area just behind the starting point of their side of the grid (see graphic)


- Aim is to run the ball from one end of the grid to the other and stop on the end line under control, trying to beat the opposition runner who is running in the other direction.

- Place 1 ball on each end line as the starting point

- Coach calls one number and one letter in quick succession (e.g. B5) and on that signal the players exit the holding area and travel with the ball down the grid to the other end, stopping the ball cleanly and under control on the line. Player waits at that end in a new holding area. Coach will alternate letter/number and number/letter each time. 

- Points are scored for the team by being first back with the ball stopped at the end line UNDER CONTROL. If no control - no point.

Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Practice 1

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Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Practice 1
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Practice 1 (15 mins)


Encourage the players to work on their ball carrying techniques, spending as much time on the ball as possible.


Create an area about 20m x 20m - big enough so that all players in the group can move around with the ball safely. Pepper the area with a few cones to create hazards to be avoided.


Coach calls GREEN LIGHT - players jog around the area with head/eyes up as much as possible - avoiding each other and the cones.

Coach calls RED LIGHT - players stop the ball by placing the flat side of the stick on top of the ball.

Green light phase can be up to 20 seconds. After a red light the players rest by doing "Keepy Uppies" with the ball on their stick.


Introduce "gliding" - moving with the ball in front of the player. Minimal touches is the way to make quickest progress. Ball should be slightly in front and to the side of the player - think 2pm position.


In addition to Green/Red lights the coach now introduces new commands as follows...

- ROUNDABOUT: Player finds a cone and moves the ball around it keeping the ball on the open side and close to the cone, working the feet hard.

- AMBER LIGHT: Player adopts an Indian dribble - initially walking but progress to running. Ball needs to move outside both feet.

- REVERSE: Player stops their ball and continues to move backwards 3-4 steps while facing forwards. Requires awareness behind and around you.

- HUMPBACK BRIDGE: Player moves to a cone and attempts a small lift over it.

- HIGHWAY: Players are allowed to accelerate outside the playing area as fast as possible in any direction for 10 seconds and then return.


- Spin: Left hand tucks across the body and under right elbow to initiate and manage the spin (Roundabout)

- Pull back: Stick over the ball and feet move at same time as stick moves backwards. Body faces forward at all times.

Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Play 2

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Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Play 2
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Play 2 (25 mins)


Each team should recognise they are faster now having practiced the techniques.


- Return to the playing grid established in Play 1. Widen it from 5m to 10m.

- Add a second ball to each end line so that coach can call 2 letters and 2 numbers

- Team that controls BOTH balls on the end line wins a point


- Minimal touches (gliding) / Eyes up / Ball under control

Variation #1:

Introduce a spin: Put two cones half way in each lane and the players must spin around the cone on the way to the other end.

Variation #2: 

Introduce Indian dribble: Put a series of cones on the 2nd half of the grid in each direction. 

Variation #3: Introduce small lifts by placing sticks at the halfway point.

Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Final Game

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Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Final Game
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Final Game (20 mins)


Put into practice all the techniques covered in the session:


4-Corner Game:

Use a space approx 30m x 30m with pair of cones (2 different colours) in each corner.

Players score by running around each corner to "claim it" and turn the cones to their colour.

Winner is first team to claim all 4 corners.

Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Close

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Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Close
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Close (5 mins)

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