Chris Wight
Name: | Chris Wight |
City: | Oakville |
Country: | Canada |
Membership: | Adult Member |
Sport: | Football/Soccer |
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
Set Up:
15y by 15y area, adjust based on numbers. Each player has a ball. Cones used as markers.
1 player per cone to start. Players look to dribble from one cone to another but their can only be one person at each cone, if their is someone by the cone, players need to find another free cone.
Once players have got used to dribbling around the area and understand the set up, I will shout out a part of the foot or a foot and they need to use that foot.
- Once players get to a cone they have to perform any turn they want.
- Coach shouts a turn the players know and they have to perform that.
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
Set Up:
15y by 15y area. Set up like above - 3 triangle coned areas. Red players (non-taggers) have a ball each, blue players (taggers) do not.
The red players are looking to keep their ball using some of the turns worked on in the first practice, the taggers will be carrying round a bib and looking to touch the red player's ball with the bottom of their foot. The triangle coned areas are safe zones and players can stay in these areas for as long as they want (perform toe taps), if a red player wants to get into a safe zone where someone already is they shout 'GET OUT' the red player in the safe zone then has to get out. If a player is tagged they give their ball to the tagger and take their bib and swap roles.
Players need to ask themselves:
1) Is my ball protected from the tagger.
2) Can I turn away from the tagger.
3) Can I change speed and move into a safe zone.
- Add taggers
- Take away taggers
- Take away safe zones
- Make the area smaller
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
Set Up:
Final 35 yards of field needed. Gates one either side of "D" 2 yards wide, one cone in the middle of the 18 yard line, and one cone 30-35 yards out in middle of the field. Balls at top of 30-35 yard cone. Defender is on cone in middle of 18. First attacker is on top of "D", and second attacker is at cone 30-35 yards out. On coach's command, first attacker checks into to second attacker to receive a pass. At the same time, defender picks one gate to sprint to. While checking in for the ball, the attacker receiving the ball must check over their shoulder to see either which cone is open, or which one is being defended, and turn towards open gate. Defender only stands in gate they choose in this progression, they do not defend ball. Once attacker is through gate, they look to finish. Attacker who passed now becomes attacker on top of "D" receiving ball.
Coaching Points:
Must check their should at least once, but if they can, twice. Defender cannot fake going to one gate and go to the other. Turn must be made properly with a good first touch that takes them towards their target. Pass must be quality, and to the foot where the attacker receiving will want to turn. Need to use speed to get through gate and get shot off.
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
Set Up:
Final 35 yards of field needed. Gates one either side of "D" 2 yards wide, one cone in the middle of the 18 yard line, and one cone 30-35 yards out in middle of the field. Balls at top of 30-35 yard cone. Defender is on cone in middle of 18. First attacker is on top of "D", and second attacker is at cone 30-35 yards out. On coach's command, first attacker checks into to second attacker to receive a pass. At the same time, defender picks one gate to sprint to. While checking in for the ball, the attacker receiving the ball must check over their shoulder to see either which cone is open, or which one is being defended, and turn towards open gate. Defender now sprints through the gate and tries to catch attacker before they can shoot. Attacker must now turn very quickly and get through gate to finish before defender can close down. If attacker turns to gate that defender has chosen, they must go through that gate. Progress to attacker who passes ball in, making supporting run to challenge 2v1. Attacker who passed becomes attacker on top of "D" receiving ball.
Coaching Points:
Must check their should at least once, but if they can, twice. Defender can now fake going to one gate and go to the other once players get the hang of the activity. Turn must be made properly with a good first touch that takes them towards their target. Pass must be quality, and to the foot where the attacker receiving will want to turn. Need to use speed to get through gate and get shot off.
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
Set Up:
- Use the width of a half field to perform post training / game exercises
- Perform exercises such as light jogging and static stretching (passive, active assisted, active)
Coaching Points:
- Improve recovery rate between training and games
- Encourage hydration and nutrition (fruit, soup, sport drinks)
© Copyright 2022 Sport Session Planner Ltd.
Developed with Partnership Developers, a division of Kyosei Systems.
Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):
Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen
Back/Forward: Drag timeline button
Warm Up (5 mins)
- Area of 30 yards x 30 yards
- Cones
- Players to perform a structured warm up consisting of the following:
Movement - marching, skipping, jogging, A-Skip etc.
Dynamic range of motion - focus on movement not muscles, leg swings, calisthenics)
Neural Preparation - quick feet, acceleration, jumping, change of direction
- Do 1-2 repetitions of each excerise
Coaching Points:
- Increase heart rate
- Increase muscle & body temperature
- Psychological benefits
- Injury prevention