Football/Soccer Session (Beginner): CF Skills - Dribbling (Week 1)

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Am-Club: ClubFootball, Beijing

ClubFootball China

Profile Summary

ClubFootball China
Name: ClubFootball China
City: Beijing
Country: China
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm-Up

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm-Up
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Warm-Up (10 mins)


Area appropriate to age, skills and number of players


Two players have bibs in their hands to throw at others

Players without bibs must stay within the area and avoid being tagged by the players with the bibs

If a player is tagged they must freeze like a statue until another player can give them a hi-five


Rotate players with bibs


Coach starts with the bibs

More/Less players with bibs

Different poses/balances that the statues have to freeze in

Players can only move in certain ways (Backwards, Hop, Jump etc...)

Players can score points if they tag someone

Review / Reflect (to be completed after each session)..

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Technical

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Technical
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Area appropriate to age, ability and number of players

Coloured gates spread around the area in two different sizes (Yellow - Wide / Red - Narrow)

Players have a ball each

Players dribble around area going through as many gates as they can


Head up - Players need to keep their head up to find a new gate to visit and avoided each other

Small touches - To keep the ball under contract, within the area and get through gates

Different parts of foot - Various ways to dribble the ball using inside, outside, sole, laces etc..


Players go from one colour to a different one

Players can only use a certain part of the foot

Players score points for each gate and difficulty of gate width

Timed challenge to see how many gates a player can visit in 60 seconds

Add blockers - Standing in gates to stop players running through

Add defenders - Can be holding bibs or tackling players who are dribbling

More/Less gates

Wider/Narrower gates

Add skills - Can players try a skill move through a gate or to beat a defender

Add stealer - One player has no ball and can steal a ball from another player

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Conditioned Game

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Conditioned Game
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Conditioned Game


Two end zones

Two teams

Players must dribble the ball into the end zone to score a goal

Defenders cannot enter the attacking zone


Can the player find space to run into away from the defender?

Can the player keep the ball under control using different parts of the foot?


More footballs

Each team has their own football

Review / Reflect (to be completed after each session)..

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Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):

Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen

Back/Forward: Drag timeline button