Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): GK Activities for Shot Stopping and Punts

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Carl Spence

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Carl Spence
Name: Carl Spence
City: New Milford
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Session is a bunch of GK activities that goalkeeper can do over the break with a freind or another gk.

Session is mostly aimed at improving handling and footwork. These are all activities that were done throughout the season.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm Up

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm Up
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Warm Up


Goalkeeper works in an 18yard Box or whatever space he/she has available

Playing Area is extended with increased number of goalkeepers


- Goalkeeper hop/skip/shuffle around playing area

- Bounce the ball on the ground and catch ball using the contour method (catch the shape of the ball) repeat for a 10 rep count

- Then toss the ball in the air and catch with High contour technique, making 'GK call' before going to claim ball.

Coaching Points:

GKs should make catches with arms extended and away from body

Never grab at the ball left ball Bring the ball into chest after after making catch

always catch ball with both hands behind the ball.


1 - goalkeepers put the ball on the ground and stretch making figure 8s through the legs

2 - goalkeepers practice reflex catches with ball between the legs

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): WU Catches

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): WU Catches
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WU Catches


Goalkeepers line up in pairs or can work with a parent or friend 

Playing Area is a 20 yard space. 

GKs should be 10 yards apart

Goalkeepers practice techniques for:

- Ground scoop/catch

- Basket Catch

- Contour Catch

- High Contour Catch


One Goalkeeper distributes the ball the other makes a save using proper technique then redistributes

Coaching Points:

Bend the knees for the under arm toss (Good service is key to success of drill)

GKs MUST get body behind ball before making save

GKs always attempt to catch ball infront/head of body, then bring ball into turso or chest for added protection

Always catch the ball in an advanced position


Extend the distance of the service

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Main Theme (MT)

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Main Theme (MT)
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Main Theme (MT)


Goalkeepers form a single file line on goalline

Two gates set up as shown

Playing Area - 3-5 yards between gate 1 & 2 

GK has 1 soccer ball

Other Partner/GK becomes distributor


Goalkeeper passes to coach from Gate 1

He then advances to Gate 2 to make a save using techniques for:

- Ground scoop/catch

- Basket Catch

- Contour Catch

- High Contour Catch

Coaching Points:

GKs MUST get body behind ball before making save

GKs always attempt to catch ball infront/head of body, then bring ball into turso or chest for added protection

Always catch the ball in an advanced position IN FRONT of Gate 2 (Goal line)

GK should come to a complete stop (break momentum) after making save


- One GK (GK1) goes between 2 gates facing the goalkeeper next in line GK2

-GK2 passes through legs of GK1 towards the coach

-Coach then serves a ball to Gk1 who has quickly turned facing coach expecting to make a save

- GK 1 and 2 then rotates

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): GK Zones

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): GK Zones
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GK Zones


Playing area 18yard Box

One GK in goal to mske saves

Other Goalkeepers/Friends/Parents  become shooters each with a soccer ball


Goalkeeper in net tries to make saves as best he/she can

Technique and use of:

- Ground scoop/catch

- Basket Catch

- Contour Catch

- High Contour Catch

are emphasize if and when required for each save

Coaching Points:


GKs MUST get body behind ball before making save

GKs always attempt to catch ball infront/ahead of body, then bring ball into turso or chest for added protection

Always catch the ball in an advanced position

Always try to catch ball with thumbs/hands in a 'W' form


1 - goalkeepers start on ground then must get up to make save

2 - goalkeepers starts with back turn then must quickly turn around to make save on shooters call

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Punting Goalkeeper

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Punting Goalkeeper
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Punting Goalkeeper


- Goalkeeper Catches the Ball

- Runs to tob of Box

- Then Punts the Ball Upfield


- Goalkeeper should hold the ball with both hands directly infront of body (as shown in slide)

- Goalkeepers Non Kicking Foot and body posture should be directed towards his/her target (teammate)

- USING THE LACES Goalkeeper makes contact with ball

- BE SURE to follow through after contact for added power

- ball travels up field to target

Coaching Points:

Always Run the ball to the top of the penalty box(18yard area) for best results on kicks

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