Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): Give and go - week 2

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Pro-Club: RBNY Academy Inc

Jennifer Campisi

Profile Summary

Jennifer  Campisi
Name: Jennifer Campisi
City: West new york
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Layoff + Give and Go

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Layoff + Give and Go
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Layoff + Give and Go (10 mins)


Players will begin working in a triangle shaped grip with two players (possibly three) standing at each cone. One line will have soccer balls.


Players will play the ball to the line on their left and will then follow the pass. The player recieving the ball will lay off the ball to the first player and the first player will play a short pass back into the player who layed off the ball. That player will then play a long ball into the next player.

Coaching Points:

Is your toe up?

Are you using the inside of your foot?

Are you following through?

Are your hips pointed toward the target?

Are you balanced?

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Transision give and go

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Transision give and go
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Transision give and go (25 mins)

Organization: Players work in 3's, 1 player on each of 3 lines, Pugg goal at one end of the "field" with excess balls.


Player A plays to Player 2 who has checked to one of the cones who then passes to Player 3.

After Player 2 recieves the ball, Player 1 can begin pressuring Players 2/3. Once Player 3 has touched the ball, it becomes a 2v1 with Players 2&3 attacking towards goal. All players rotate by moving down 1 line.

Coaching points:

-Quick touches to beat the defender

-Head up to find space

-Quick movement off the ball to check into space

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Give and Go (Decoy - Scissors)

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Give and Go (Decoy - Scissors)
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Give and Go (Decoy - Scissors) (35 mins)


Approx 10x20 area. 3 players. 1 ball.


Defender begins on endline and passes to the attacking player. Player with the ball drives at defender, performs a scissors with left foot to fake the pass to the support player and then beats defender going to his right and driving to the endline.

Coaching Points:

Player on ball:

- First touch to drive towards defender

- Messi touches on dribble towards defender

- Commit defender - Scisiors as late as possible

- Dribble with foot closest to support

- Quality of scissors

- Bigger angled touch to beat defender to the right and accelerate after ball

Support player:

- Create angle at which you can receive the ball without the defender being able to intercept the pass (just off defender's shoulder)

- Open body to see where the ball is coming from and where it is going to.

Camera 1: Film entire area (shot as above)

Camera 2: Follow Player A's movement (full body with ball - front shot, from position 2)

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): conditioned game give and go

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): conditioned game give and go
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conditioned game give and go (20 mins)



2 goals


Play 3v3 +2 inside the field +2 or 4 on the outside depending on numbers

Standard soccer rules except players on the outside are not allowed to dribble inside the field

Players inside the field combine with the outside players give and go only - so outside players must be one touch pass

Coaching Points:

- recognize give and go opportunity

- play as late as possible with outside of the foot and get behind defender as quick as possible to -- -receive it back in space

- movement off the ball

- Timing the run so that the player arrives just as the ball does

- create a good angle for the pass

- timing of the pass

- communication


Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Give and go to Big goal

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Give and go to Big goal
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Give and go to Big goal (15 mins)


As Above


B plays a pass to A then checks out to give an option

C Pressures passively

A receives, drives at C then plays pass to B for a give an go

looking to score on big goal

Rotation: A-B-C

if numbers aren't perfect add extra players to line A

Coaching Points:

Driving at Defender's front foot

Correct Techniques of pass (outside of foot)

2nd pass to space, small touch

Open Body shape

Correct Distance for Check out

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Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):

Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen

Back/Forward: Drag timeline button