Dave Cox
Name: | Dave Cox |
City: | Toronto |
Country: | Canada |
Membership: | Adult Member |
Sport: | Hockey |
© Copyright 2022 Sport Session Planner Ltd.
Developed with Partnership Developers, a division of Kyosei Systems.
Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):
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Screen 1 (20 mins)
Four Shot Goal Scoring Drill:
1. The foward starts at the P spot and runs into the red box to receive a pass (closed reception)for them to stop, pivot, and shoot on the second touch.
2. After taking the first shot the forward runs laterally across the circle receiving a pass on the forehand from station 2 in front of the cones and continues with the ball to just past the cones where they take a shot on the run.
3. After the second shot the player runs to the P spot for a hard hit from station 3 for them to deflect.
4. The final ball is a bouncing ball from the coach behind the goal for them to flick or push on the second touch.
-Round 1 is 4 shots
-Round 2 is 8 shots (repeat the sequence)
-Round 3 the passes from station 1 and 2 go in bouncing and on the 4th shot it must be taken on the first touch.
-Focus on body position and stick position in the circle
-First touch with soft right hand
-Short grip and body control on shot 1
-Stick and body position to trap the pass in shot 2
-Stick and body position to deflect on target