Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): Session Plan 1 - Passing

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Pro-Club: FAW Coach Ed

Geraint Roberts

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Geraint Roberts
Name: Geraint Roberts
City: Colwyn Bay
Country: United Kingdom
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Technical & Skill Practice

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Technical & Skill Practice
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Technical & Skill Practice

Organisation: (Practice Layout & Transition)

Practice is set for 12 players set up in to two groups of 6.

Players are bibbed up on arrival. 2 x white, 5 x colour, 5 x colour.

Parallel practice, two diamonds set up using four cones for each diamond. Cones will be 8m apart.

Skill practice will be using the same set-up as technical. SSG will already be set up around the perimeter of the pitch. Technical and skill are happening inside the SSG area.

Balls will be placed around the perimeter of the practice session.

Adaptations (Progressions & Regressions):

Pass Sequence 1

Two players on cones 1 and 3 (will have to rotate), one player on cones 2 and 4

Players will start by passing the ball from one player to the other around the diamond clockwise for 30 seconds, then anti-clockwise for 30 seconds. 

Progression by stepping away from the cone and taking ball on back foot then passing (ideally two touches) for 30 seconds then change direction and use other foot.

Progression by passing the ball and following the pass, then switching play on the sound of whistle after 30 seconds.

Pass Sequence 2

Players set up as sequence 1

Passing sequence changed and players must carry out a two touch pass (control and pass) - 30 seconds

Introduce Challenge by only carrying out a first time pass.

Introduce challenge/competition by counting how many full cycles (1-7) of passing can do in a minute. Both groups competing.  

The Mechanics

1. Look at target

2. Eye on the ball

3. Angle of approach

4. Non-kicking foot alongside ball in a comfortable position

5. Strike centre of ball with inside/outside of foot (identified area of ball)

6. Firm ankle

7. Follow through towards target

Skill Practice

Above Pass Sequence 2 is partly a skill practice as a challenge has been introduced.


5v1 then 4v2 as progression. Two minutes of each with a minute rest in the middle to discuss the transition from 5v1 to 4v2.  

Players on the outside stand in-between the cones and one player in the middle.

Pass the ball between themselves without the pass being intercepted or the player being tackled.

Target - need to make as many passes as possible, appoint a player to count the passes.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Small Sided Game

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Small Sided Game
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Small Sided Game


Pitch size 25m v 25m (already set up with balls around perimeter)


SSG 1 - 4 1/2 minutes

One player of each team on opposite sides of pitch.

Target - Players must transfer the ball from one side to the other by passing through the opposite team.

Condition - Not allowed to carry out a direct pass from one side to other. Can use the outside player as much as they want (pass backwards).

Once reached the other side they get a goal (point), same team continues from that end back to the original side and so forth.

If pass is intercepted/tackled or goes out of play, defending team becomes the team in possession and tries to get the ball to either end for a point and continues as above.

SSG 2 - 4 1/2 minutes

Pitch size extended to accommodate four 3x3m boxes in every corner.

All players on pitch.

Target is to pass to a player within the box and the player who received the pass must pass to another player outside of the box. One goal for doing this.

Can score goals in any corner box.

Encourages all types of passing across the whole pitch.

Progression - two touch 

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Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen

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