Benjamin Sohier
Name: | Benjamin Sohier |
City: | Telford |
Country: | United Kingdom |
Membership: | Adult Member |
Sport: | Football/Soccer |
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
Blue Team
GK- Jack Sheward
RB - Josh Madeley
CB - Conrad Muir
LB - Bailey Winchurch
CDM - Ziv Gabriel
CM - Connor Parker
CM - Max Corinaldi
RF - Sylvester Lartey
ST - Callum Knowles
LF - Tom Messham
Black Team
GK - Taylor Carter
RB - Matty Cutler
CB - Charlie Davies
LB - Cory Mckee
CM - Brodie Mcloed
CM - Josh Bailey-Perrin
RF - Joe Afful
LF - Luke Mason
ST - Cole Griffin
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20 4 GK 16 Outfield
GK - Jack Sheward
GK - Taylor Carter
GK - Sam Ussher
GK - Rome Jones
RB - Josh Madeley
RB - Cory Mckee
CB - Charlie Davies
CB - Connor Parker
CB - Conrad Muir
LB - Bailey Winchurch
CDM - Ziv Gabriel
CM - Josh Bailey-Perrin
CM - Max Corinaldi
CM - Brodie McLoed
CM - Matty Cutler
RF - Joe Afful
RF - Sylvester Lartey
LF - Tom Messham
LF - Luke Mason
ST - Callum Knowles
ST - Cole Griffin