Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): CM - Phase of play (Mid to Wide) (Start Time: 2019-01-10 20:00:00)

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Pro-Club: Manchester United FC Foundation


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City: streetreds2021
Country: United Kingdom
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): CM - Phase of play

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): CM - Phase of play
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CM - Phase of play

Technical - Combination play using 2 phase of plays

Objective: Players to recieve the ball to play forward using triggers and phase of play.



4 - Passes the ball into the 8/10

8 - Passes the ball into the 6

6 - Passes the ball into the 7 who goes on to score a goal.


4 - Passes the ball into the 2

2 - Passes the ball into the 6 who makes a forward fun to recieve to score in the small goal.

Players need to move to show for the ball behind the manakins.

Coaching Points

- Weight of pass towards the player

- Movement in and out to show for the ball

- High intensity

- Players need to 'scan' before recieving the ball

- Good first touch to take away from the manakin

- When finishing players need to scan the goal to find the target.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): CM - 8/10

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): CM - 8/10
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CM - 8/10

Midfield Combination - To play the ball wide

Objective: Combination midfield play - CDM (6) Playing a penetating pass to the 11 or 7.


In Possession

- Goalkeeper will play a long ball to the 5. 5 will knock the ball down to the 4. The 4 will play the ball into the spare 8 or 10. The ball is then played into the 6 who plays a direct ball down the line to the 7 or 11 depending on what side the ball is played out. 9, 11, 10 & 8 all make forward runs into the box.

Out Possession

- Greens will try to win the ball back. If they win the ball they need to get through a gate down the wings.

Coaching Points:

- Decision making (Trigger points, when to run, where to run too)

- Weight of each pass

- Communication of the 8 & 10 (Who is going to collect the ball)

- Movement to recieve the ball.

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Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):

Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen

Back/Forward: Drag timeline button