Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): Session 2: Defending - U9 (Start Time: 2023-10-24 18:00:00)

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Pro-Club: FAW Coach Ed

Nile Abraham

Profile Summary

Nile Abraham
Name: Nile Abraham
City: Cardiff
Country: United Kingdom
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Session Duration: 1 hour ( 55 minutes of practice with 5 minutes rest)

Players involved:

Ability: Mixed

Session Aims: 

1. Understand the movements upon approaching an opponent before tackling.

2. To be able to apply pressure onto attackers and tackle/intercept the ball

3. To defend with teammates against attacking players.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Technical Drill - Defensive approach to dribbling players

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Technical Drill - Defensive approach to dribbling players
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Technical Drill - Defensive approach to dribbling players

Technical Drill - 15 minutes 

Players Involved: 8

Area Size: 24 x 24 split into 2 zones (12 x 12 yards each).



  • Players are split into 2 groups.
  • Each group is bibbed to represent the group they're in.
  • Group A will line up in pairs behind 1 side of the playing area (Horizontal side) in line with the cones.
  • Group B will do the same but on the opposite side,
  • Each player of group A will have a ball, whereas group B will not


  • Group A start as 'attacking' players, with gorup B starting as the defenders.
  • Both on-ball players will dribble the ball up slowly towards the other side.
  • The defending players will jog up towards the dribbling player paralel to them
  • The dribbling player is not tasked with beating the defender, but instead allow them to tackle the ball.
  • Upon meeting each other, the defenders will tackle the ball from the dribbling player.
  • When this is done, the dribbling players join the defending queue, and the defending players will join the attackers que, and therefore trade roles.



  • Focus upon a different defending mechanic
  • Increase the speed of rushing moving out towards the dribbling player.
  • Dribbling players slow down.
  • Dibbling players stop before the defender attempts the tackle.
Challenges, Conditions or Targets:
  • Players should try to burst out with pace rather than jogging
  • Challenge players to use the correct body position to tackle
  • Can players attempt and make the tackle before the ball reahces the halfway point.

  • Concurrent - Positive/Negative approach, use of body position, speed of press.
  • Walkthrough - Mechanics

Rest: 2 minutes

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Skill Drill - 2v2 defending

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Skill Drill - 2v2 defending
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Skill Drill - 2v2 defending

Skill Drill - 25 minutes

Area Size: 24 x 24 yards


  • Players remain in their 2 teams.
  • Both groups will line up parralel to eachother, except this time on the goal lines (Does not matter if either team is at top or bottom).
  • 1 player from the team at the bottom will have a ball at their feet.
  • Team A start as attacking players, with team B starting as the defenders.
  • The player on the ball, from the defending team will pass the ball diaganolly towards an attacker.
  • Upon recieving the pass, the defenders will burst out to pressure the atackers.
  • Upon receiving the pass, the attackers will aim to move the ball down the area and score in either mini goal on the opposite side.
  • The aim of the defenders is to pressure the attacking pair, looking to either tackle, block or interecept the ball and pass it out of play.
  • After this is done, both pairings involved will swap sides and therefore swap roles.


  • 2 attackers vs 1 defender instead of a 2v2.
  • If the defenders can win the ball, they are tasked with trying to convert the posession won into scoring in the opposite side goals instead of just kicking the ball out.



  • 1 attacker vs 2 defenders, or 2 attackers vs 3 defenders
  • Defenders can start 3 steps in rather than on the corner.
Challenges, Conditions or Targets:
  • Can defenders force the on-ball player onto the weaker foot
  • Cand defenders win the ball within 5 seconds


  • Concurrent - Positive/Negative approach, use of body position, speed of press.
  • Freeze - Defensive positioning, 
  • Walkthrough - Mechanics


Rest: 3 minutes

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Small Sided Game

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Small Sided Game
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Small Sided Game

Small Sided Game - 15 minutes

Aerobic or Anaerobic? - Aerobic

Area Size - 28 x 20 yards


  • Pitch is split into 2 halves (marked by flats)
  • 2 players from both teams enter 1 half, with the remaining players in the other.
  • Players aren't allowed to leave their side of the pitch.
  • 1 point can be scored simply by scoring
  • If a team tackles the ball, they earn a point for their team, and will have the next possession if the stop causes the ball to roll out of bounds.
  • To earn 2 points, a team must tackle the ball and the play it into the next half



  • The team that is attacking can have 1 player cross into the other half, creating a 3v2 (3 attackers vs 2 defenders).
  • Defenders must win the ball back within 5 seconds.


  • When defending, a player from the other half can cross over, creating a 2v3  (2 attackers vs 3 defenders).

  Challenges, Conditions or Targets:

  • Can the defenders force the attackers onto the weaker foot
  • Can defenders keep hold of the ball when tackling

  • Concurrent - Positive/Negative approach, use of body position, speed of press.
  • Freeze - Defensive positioning,
  • Walkthrough - Mechanics

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