Football/Soccer Session (Moderate): TRANSITION #3

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City: Kalispell MT
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 2V1 TO GOAL (2 BALLS)

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 2V1 TO GOAL (2 BALLS)
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The two attackers receive a pass from the coach and attack the top goal in a 2v1 situation. Immediately after the 2v1 is completed, the coach plays a second ball and the pair attack the other goal 2v1

if defender wins the ball or a ball is saved, or shot wide the next ball is ready to be served in by the coach.

Coaching Points

Player #2 must dribble inside at the defender  with speed to open up the angle for Player #1 to overlap into as well as to make the defender make a decision whether to stay with the ball or go with the overlapping runner

When is it best to go 1v1 or combine to score?

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): POSSESSION 4V2+2

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): POSSESSION 4V2+2
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4 v 2 + 2 in two teams in a 30 x 20 yardarea

Play 4 groups of 2, each in a differentcolor.

Start with 4 v. 2 in 1 area with 2waiting players in the other area.

Establishing the proper shape for thepossession team.

Defenders, upon winning the ball, playinto the other area and join, making 4 possession players.

The team that lost the ball become thedefenders and moves into the other area.

The remaining 2 players wait in the firstarea for the ball to transition back to them.

Coaching Points

· The teams in possession must maintainthe proper shape

· When they lose the ball, they mustquickly transition into the other area to defend and win the ball back

· The two defenders need to play pressureand cover and not allow through balls

· Upon winning the ball, quicklytransition ball to the other area and join as a new possession group

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): POSSESSION THREE TEAM CHANGE OVER 6V3

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): POSSESSION THREE TEAM CHANGE OVER 6V3
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6 v. 3 with constant change-over in a 30x 25 yard area

Play 3 teams of 3 in different colors. 2colors combine and play against the 3rd colors

When the defending team wins the ball,the team that turned the ball over becomes the defending team it is always 2colors v 1 colors play with limited touches

Coaching Points

· Maintain proper shape with thepossession team (width and depth)

· Make the playing area as big aspossible

· Make the defending team defend theentire area

· Defending team should maintaincompactness and play pressure, support and cover

· On winning the ball, quickly transitioninto possession with new group

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 3V1 TO 5V3

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 3V1 TO 5V3
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3V1 TO 5V3

3 v. 1 to 5 v. 3 in a 20 x 15 yard areaand a 10 x 10 yard area

Start inside with 3 v. 1 playing 1 or 2touch. When the 1 defender wins the ball, he plays out to the 4 outside players who playpossession, now making it a 5 v. 3 game in the larger area.

When the 1 defender in the middle winsthe ball, he must quickly transition the ball to the

outside players. The 3 in the middle mustremain compact on defense and deny the through ball

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): TRANSITION 3V2 NSCAA

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): TRANSITION 3V2 NSCAA
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Two striker stay on the field at all times

Play begins with goalkeeper A rolling a ball to one of their teammates. Player receiving ball serves  S1.(strikers get free first touch to start) Two players from A lines join making it 3v2 to goal

After a ball is served to the other side, the next two players need to get into position to defend

Goalkeepers need to play new ball in 3 seconds


  • If goal is scored or shot over/wide of goal, Both attacking players go off and join the back of B line, Goalkeeper feeds his two defenders still on the field who play their striker and attack 3v2 the other direction
  • if defending team of two win the ball, the two attackers go off, The defending team transitions plays their striker, joins and attacks 3v2 the other direction 


  • If ball played into striker, defenders don't have to wait for striker to get the first touch
  • Do not have to play strikers first, can dribble and attack 3v2
  • 8 seconds to score
  • Add a extra striker on each side (4v2)

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): CHELSEA GAME

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): CHELSEA GAME
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Two teams. One team plays north and south, the other east and west. Can score on either of your team goals. Coach serves new ball when goal is scored.


Add goalkeepers

Coaching points

Get Numbers up

Score when it presents itself


Team work

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): TRANSITION: FAR

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): TRANSITION: FAR
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Play two teams with goalkeepers.  and two neutrals on each side

Anytime the ball goes out on the side closest to the neutral, they immediately play a ball to the other team attacking the opposite direction

Goalkeepers have 3 seconds to play a ball

Progress: The neutral on the far side from where the ball went out plays the ball into the team attacking the opposite direction

Coaching Points:

Immediate transition via individual and team

Slow down team and get behind ball as a group (Defend with numbers behind the ball)

Numbers up in attack

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Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):

Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen

Back/Forward: Drag timeline button