Football/Soccer Session (Beginner): U7 Trainings

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Mark Haston

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Mark Haston
Name: Mark Haston
City: palmer lake
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Fun Activity

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Fun Activity
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Fun Activity


1. 15 x 20 Grid

2. Seperate player into 2 teams.

3. 6 red cones and 2 yellow cones and 6 soccer balls on top of cones as shown above.


1. Coach yells STRIKE to start game.

2. Players will place the ball beside the yellow cone to start game.

3. 1st player from each team will try to hit a ball off the red cone shown above.

4. If they miss they must collect the ball and give it to the next player in line to continue the game.

5. The team that knocks all 3 balls off the cones win.

6. Play until 1 teams wins X number of games.

Coaching Points:

1. Players should use Inside the foot, Outside the foot and strike with Laces.

2. Right and Left foot.

3. Show proper technic when passing the ball

4. Once the ball is place tey have 2 seconds to strike it.

5. Play faster.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Core Activity 1

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Core Activity 1
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Core Activity 1 (15 mins)


1. 15 x 15 Grid

2. Every Player has a ball


1. They dribble around the area performing ball manipulation skills turns, feints and tricks.

a) Inside Only - Your players move around using only the insides of their feet.

b) Outside Only - Players focus on pnly dribbling using their outside of the foot.

c) Toe Taps - The players touch the top of the ball with the sole of the foot.

d) Scissors - The players step over the top of the ball in a circle with one foot, then take the ball in the opposite direction with the other foot.

e) V Cuts/Pushes - The players drag the ball towards them with the sole of the foot and push it out to the same size with the same foot.

f) Rollover - The players roll over the ball with the sole of the foot.

9) Heel Toe - The players fake to pass with the heel of the foot and then bring the ball back to them with their toe and a quick movement.

Coaches Points:

1. Pick 4-5 Ball Mastery techniques and ask the players to focus on each one for 4-5 minutes. Ask your players to learn the techniques before they come to training.

2. You will save yourself a big headache if your players are already familiar with the moves. In this practice we use.


1. Make the area smaller

2. Challenge them to get as many touches as possible in 30 seconds.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Core Activity 2

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Core Activity 2
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Core Activity 2 (15 mins)


1. 15 x 15 Grid

2. Seperate players into 2 teams

3. 4 tall cones for goals

4. 2 small cones for markers


1. Team B passes to Team A

2. Team A will try to score playing 1v1 to the tall cones as goals (as shown above)

3. The attacking team must dribble and try to score on the outside of the goal for a point.

4. The defending team can run through the goal (tall cones) to stop the other team from scoring.

5. Play for an allocated amount of time (ability level and age) 5 minute games

6. Switch roles after 5 minutes (attackers to defenders and vice versa)

Coaches Points:

1. Be creative and attack with speed

2. Try a specific skill they learned in warm up

3. Body shape, balance and change of direction


1. Count down from 10 to speed up the tempo


Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Free Play

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Free Play
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Free Play (25 mins)


1. 20 x 20 Grid

2. Seperate players into 2 teams

3. 2 goals

4. 1 ball (have extra behind goals to keep the game frowing)


1. Instruct players if there is a 1v1 situation attack, if there is a 2v1 look to pass.

2. Have fun!

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 5

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 5
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Screen 5

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Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):

Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen

Back/Forward: Drag timeline button