Football/Soccer Session (Difficult): Functional Movement of Strikers to Penetrate

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Ian Sinclair

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Ian Sinclair
Name: Ian Sinclair
City: Oakville
Country: Canada
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 1

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Warm-up Phase: Functional Movement of the Centre Forwards to Penetrate


- Cone off the cerntral area from the top of the 18 yard box to halfway line.

- 1 server,2 strikers, 2 midfielders

- Start with No centre backs and just begin with shadow play involving the two strikers and two mids.

- Lots of balls, cones and players ready to enter the session as you uild it up

Coaching Points:

Movement of attacking players

1. midfield players to check and show and open their body as they receive

2. First touch forward our of feet

3. Strikers movement away from the ball to create as much depth and space as possible and to then recieve.

4. Communication between strikers, eye contact and visual cues

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 2

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Part Two Phase:


- Add 2 Center backs

- 2 strikers, 2 midfielders, 1 server

- 5v3

- The striker closest to the ball must show for the ball

- Second striker attacks the apce created by the movement of the first striker or the first striker creates a 1v1 situation if defender doen not follow.

Coaching Points:

1. Communciation - eye contact between stikers and reading visual cues

2. Timing of movement

a. 1st striker showing for the ball and looking and feeling for defender

b. 2nd striker moves away from the ball then into space created by 1st striker

3. working off defenders shoulders

4. Types of passing:

a. Pace has to be empahsized

b. Pace with a bend

5. Meed to look at positioning of the GK and Defender. Coach a bent pass into the other striekr to finish

c. Outside of foot

Movement Patterns You Need to Look For and Coach:

1. Ball side striker checks to the ball hard and you play thie highest striker first which would be 2nd striker in this case. 1st striker spins out and 2nd striker clips it in behind for 2nd striker to finish.

2. Ball side striker checks to ball and checks shoulders facing center back up with other striker staying high.

a. Run at him to engage the defender and play 1-2 combo or disguise and beat him 1v1 off the dribble

b. Highest stiker now makes run in behind the backline with a run across the face or peeling out on the blindside (spinning out)

c. if you have your wingers then the player can play the Wide option and then sprint hard into the box and attack ball/cross.

3. Ball side striker breaks off the CB but the CB stays tight to him chekcing his run - then the striekr lays off for supporting midfielder and 2nd striker breaks the line in behind with a run.

4. Ball side striker checks of the CB and the CB stays tight to him chekcing his run - the striker then looks to beat the CB off the turn off his furst touch (roll him)

5. Cross over runs between the two strikers to unabalance and pull their shape out when Midfielders have the ball and maybe you play one of the Strikers with a through ball in behind.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 3

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- 6v5

- Add two Full backs and 2 wide attaking midfielders.

- 1 Server, 2 central midfielders, 2 strikers, 2 wide midfielders

- Allow the serve to be played into either of the central midfielders or strikers to encourage players to keep possession and pull defending players out of position to create opportunities

Progression: Build up by adding two holding midfeilders creating 7v6 for attacking team.

Coaching Points: As previous

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Screen 4

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- Make sure players stay touchline wide - you dont want the wide players coming in Narrow amd taking away the space of the two strikers.

- If the Full back start to cheat and take away the width then you can easily split the Center back and full back with passes in behind

- I would start by manupulating the the satrting positions of the centre backs/backline to start higher up the pitch to give you more success. As you progress you would then start them on the 18 yard box.

- Clearly explain what you want and which two players you will be focusing on but how the other players are key performers in the activity.

- When making corrections, you must adress it, step in and and coach it. Must coach the players performance. Be specific and Demonstrate.

- Use the SDRR Methodology - STOP-DEMO- REHEARSE - RESTART

- MUST use command style and show them what you want instead of asking them. Start by using command style then move into more Q&A with the players and coach overs reinforcing what you have already shown and taught them.

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