Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): Recieving: Diagnol Pass Backfoot

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Steve Searing

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Steve Searing
Name: Steve Searing
City: Long Island
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): RONDO

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): RONDO
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RONDO (5 mins)

Organization: Two groups of 6 including GK's,Two RONDO groups, balls

Instructions: Warmup activity to wake up the players and to focus on all 4 Elements of the game

Attacking, Defending, Transition with the ball, Transition without the ball


1. Who can you pass the ball too?

2. Why do we create space?

3. How can we support the ball carrier?

Progressions: Second defender to become more challenging

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Activity 1: Star Pattern

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Activity 1: Star Pattern
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Activity 1: Star Pattern (10 mins)

Organization: Flat cones12 yds apart each cone in a star pattern, balls.

Instructions: Passing pattern A-B-C-D-E. Players will start with hands then progress to feet. Running off the ball towards the direction they are passing. Recieve the ball by creating space and use the back foot. Passing towards every other player to your ex; right or left (depending on the direction)

Change directions - right or left

Cognitive thinking - change directions when coach claps

Challenge - complete 2 star patterns under 35 seconds = 1 point

Coaching Points/Questions:

Ball travel across the body; foot furthest away from danger

First touch indicates to go forward

Awareness of opponents prior to recieving the ball

Awareness of teammates prior to recieving the ball

1. Who needs to recieve on the backfoot?

2. What type of touch can you take?

3. When should the player look?

4. Where should the player look prior to reciveing the ball?

Progressions: Add two soccer balls to function activity

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Activity 2: Star Pattern 1v1

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Activity 2: Star Pattern 1v1
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Activity 2: Star Pattern 1v1 (15 mins)

Organization: Flat cones 12 yds apart each cone in a star pattern, balls, mini goals Including defender to add pressure

Instructions: Create 6 passes in the tight space, utilize the star pattern, can change the pattern to create critical thinkers to keep the ball away from the entering pressing defender. After succession we can play a diagnol pass to "free" one attacker to create a 1v1 towards mini goal

Coaching Points/Questions:

Ball travel across the body; foot furthest away from danger

First touch indicates to go forward

Awareness of opponents prior to recieving the ball

Awareness of teammates prior to recieving the ball

1. What can we do to beat the first defender (pressure)?

2. Why do we want a diagnol ball played to us?

3. How can we get to goal?


Add second defender to be more challenging

Add second attacker to be more succesful

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Condition Game : 6v5

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Condition Game : 6v5
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Condition Game : 6v5 (30 mins)

Organization: Flat cones 12 yd star pattern setup on opposite corners of half of the field, 2 groups of four including GK's. full sized goals,balls.

Instructions: Complete the star pattern passing and recieving; The First team to complete the pattern A-B-C-D-E-A-1. When player (1) in the wider area recieves the ball first he will start the 6v5 game.The team to not complete the star pattern will play down one player vs opponent. Last player to exit the star and cross the half line, will be taking a rest.

Timer to score a goal under 1.5 minutes or less

Create your own pattern of passes to start the attack

Coaching Points/Questions:

1. What cues do you show that you want the ball?

2. Why do I want to recieve a diagnol pass vs square pass?

3. How can you get around the defender when he adds pressure?

4. How can we get to goal?


6v4 - Remove a defender; if too challenging for attacking team

6v6 - Play even numbers

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Game

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Game
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Game (30 mins)

Organization: 7v7 sized field playing 6v6 including Goalkeepers

Instructions: FIFA laws of the game

Coaching Points/Questions:

Ball travel across the body; foot furthest away from danger

First touch indicates to go forward

Awareness of opponents prior to recieving the ball

Awareness of teammates prior to recieving the ball

Regressions/Progressions: Add (#9) forward for both teams and play 7v7.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Overview

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Overview
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Organization: Visual overview for me to set the field.


Coaching Points/Questions:


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