Football/Soccer Session (Beginner): Feints to beat defenders

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Takiyah Thomas
Name: Takiyah Thomas
City: West Chester
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Arrival Play

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Arrival Play
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Arrival Play (15 mins)

Equipment Needed: 

  • Pinnies
  • Soccer Balls
  • Cones
  • 4 Puggs/Goals

Free Play Organization: 

  • Upon arrival, players get a pinnie that are spread out by each goal and start playing small-sided
  • 1-2-1 Formation
  • Utilize all FIFA rules
  • Keep score, track winning teams
  • Two- 6-minute games

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Foundational Warm Up

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Foundational Warm Up
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Foundational Warm Up (20 mins)

Equipment Needed: 

  • Pinnies
  • Soccer Balls
  • Cones
  • PUGGS (can also use cones)


  • 30 x 20 (dependent on # of players and ability)
  • Every player with a ball
  • As shown on the diagram players split into 2-3 teams with pinnies
  • Players are given numbers

Instructions: (5 minutes)

  • Choose one of the foundations below that you think will best help your group learn feints
  • Foundations Part 1 individual possession multiple surface control
    • Each player must complete a series of ball mastery multiple surface control. 
    • The coach or player will demonstrate the below list of movesand have the players copy for 1 minute.


  • Dribbling/running with the ball multiple surfaces inside outside laces & sole of the foot
  • U turn (Big toe)
  • V
  • Pull back


  • Scissors
  • L turn
  • Roll in/Push out
Foundations Part 2 Individual Possession Player Attributes (5-10 mins)
  • Players dribble the ball around the inside of the grid imitating a characteristic of the below professional players. Painting the Picture of each one of the player's characteristics:

* SMITH: Head up looking to get into the gaps using small, quick touches with the Pinky Toe (outside of the foot).

* HORAN: Head up to recognize when there's no gaps/space, then change of direction (12 o'clock to 6 o'clock), ball comes out of your feet, and then head and eyes up getting into the new space.

* MORGAN: Head up to see when there's a lot of space in front of you, then big touch to accelerate and get your head/eyes upand attack the space.

* PUGH : Head up to recognize small tight spaces ,using the inside/outside surfaces of the foot to unbalancedefenders and make the space big enough to penetrate.

* HEATH Using multiple surfaces to manipulate the ball unbalance defenders using a move to create space for end product. 

Extension: Game Instructions

  • On coach's command, a number is called out and the players with the respective number will become defender.
  • They will try to steal the ball and transition to score a goal in one of the pug goals. 
    • In the example on the diagram, #2 was called so all #2's will go to defend the opposite teams.
  • The players on the ball will gain points by keeping possession of the ball for the entire round (30 second rounds).


  • You can also do this by shouting out the colors of the groups so the color you call will defend.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Feint Introduction

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Feint Introduction
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Feint Introduction (20 mins)

Equipment Needed: 

  • Cones
  • Soccer Balls
  • Corner Flag (can also use larger cone)

Organization: (Without the ball)

  • Start without the ball but no more than 5 min 
  • Orange Player 1 tries to execute a feint and get past Orange 2 by:
    • running through either set of red cones and then dribbling to the opposite end line
    • If orange 1 gets tagged they become the defender, defender joins the running line
  • If a defender is struggling and can't catch anyone make sure to switch them
Teach the basic feint without the ball:
  • Drop your shoulder
  • Lower one side, by bending knee and lean to one side
  • Convince the defender you are going one way and then explode in the other direction


  • Add a soccer ball but take away the defender 
Organization: (With the ball unopposed)
  • Demonstrate basic body feint w/ the ball and then allow them to practice for set amount of time
  • Have players dribble to flag, cone and then execute their feint
  • Once all players from one side have gone, have them work their way back to the other side
  • Make as many grids as necessary to keep small lines (no more then 3 at each grid)
Basic Feint:
  • Drop your shoulder
  • Lower one side, by bending the knee and leaning to one side
  • Take the ball away with the outside of their other foot
  • Convince the defender you are going one way and then explode in the other direction

Coaching Points: 

  • Change of pace to beat a defender.
  • Experiment with different feint moves and combinations
  • Spacing and timing

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Feint Introduction (cnt.)

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Feint Introduction (cnt.)
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Feint Introduction (cnt.) (20 mins)

Continuation from Feint Introduction:

Organization: (Unopposed with a shot on goal)

  • Demonstrate basic body feint w/ the ball and then allow them to practice for a set amount of time
  • Have players dribble to flag/cone and then execute their feint
  • Once player makes their way through cones, take a shot across the grid into small goal/cones
  • Make as many grids as necessary to keep small lines (no more then 3-4 at each grid)

Coaching Points:

  • Change of pace to beat a defender.
  • Experiment with different feint moves and combinations
  • Spacing and timing

Session Organization: (Opposed with the ball)

  • Player 1 looks to use their feint to get past player 2 by dribbling thru either set of red cones
  • Once Player 1 gets thru the gate they look to shoot across the grid into small goal
    • Easier: Defenders stay for a set amount of time and then coach tells players to switch
    • Harder: If the defender wins the ball from the attacker, the attacker becomes the defender

Extension (Harder):

  • Add another defender in grid 2

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