Hockey Session (Under 10s): #5 Fall U8-12

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Field Hockey BC

Matt Sarmento

Profile Summary

Matt Sarmento
Name: Matt Sarmento
City: Vancouver
Country: Canada
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Hockey
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Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm up

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Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm up
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Warm up

Spend around 10 minutes warming up your team however you'd like. Below are some examples:



Ladders - place sticks down in a ladder formation and get the team to do agilities through them

Cone Flipping Warm Up - Split the group into two teams, lay out a lot of cones right-side up and upside down, one team is trying to turn all the cones upside down, one team is trying to turn them right-side up

Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Partner Race

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Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Partner Race
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Partner Race

Partner Race (15 mins)

Set up your section of the field with a variety of these stations over the whole area (try to colour coordinate if you can, but it does not need to look exactly like the picture):

- red squares (2-3m wide), players pass across the box to their partner

- Blue tunnels (5m long), one partner dribbles through the tunnel, the other partner meets them in the middle to block tackle the ball away

- Yellow line (4-5 cones), one player dribbles through the cones to their partner at the other end, the partner dribbles it back through the cones

Players partner up (choose a new partner or the coach pairs them up). Pairs work together to get as many points as possible in 3 minute bouts. Pairs get a point every time they complete one of the stations, they should keep track of their own points.

Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): 3 Man Weave

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Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): 3 Man Weave
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3 Man Weave

Depending on skill level you can still practice passing on the run or do the 3 man weave.

Passing on the run:

Set up 2 cones roughly 5-10 yards apart and a goal 15 yards away.

Get the players to line up behind both cones and pass back and forth while moving towards the net. Once they have reached a certain point (can be a cone marker or the D) whoever has the ball can shoot on net. Make sure they have their stick down when they are running as it acts as a target for the other player to aim for. Try to get them to pass at least 3 times before shooting.

3man weave:

Have 3 lines and the balls in the the middle line. One person from each line is in the drill. The middle player begins the drill by passing to either side. He/She then follows the pass, running behind the receiver and turning up the sideline. The new ball-carrier then passes to the opposite side and repeats the act of running behind the receiver and up the sideline. Once they reach a certain point, they can shoot on net.


- move the cones farther apart or further away from the net

- player on the left cone can practice receiving on their backhand

- add a defender so it's a 2 v 1. The attackers can begin passing and approaching the goal. Once they reach a certain point the defender can try to steal the ball (preferably) or hit it away.

Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Queen of the court (20 mins)

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Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Queen of the court (20 mins)
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Queen of the court (20 mins)

Go over flatstick tackles again. If you'd like, get them to pair up and practice tackling where the attacker is just dribbling passively to allow the defender to practice the flat stick tackle. 

Once they get the hang of it, set up channels about 5m wide and 10-15m long. Pair players up.

Remind the attacker of different elimination skills - pull, curl, V-drag.

One player is the attacker (starts with the ball) and tries to dribble it past the end line of the channel. The other player is the defender who will try to steal the ball and dribble it to the other side of the channel.

1) make sure the defender steps up to tackle and doesn't just "guard" the baseline

2) remind them not to just hit the ball past the defender, they need to cross the end line with the ball under control (if you want to make it a bit harder, you can set up nets they need to dribble through)

3) remind them of the defensive points that were mentioned in the warm up (i.e. staggard stance, balls of your feet)

Once one player has successfully dribbled past the end line. Reset and switch roles (i.e. defender becomes the attacker)

If you want to make it more competitive, players get 1 pt for getting across the line successfully. Play for a couple minutes and winner can move up to the next channel (queen’s court style)

Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Game (20 mins)

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Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Game (20 mins)
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Game (20 mins)

Separate your team into 2 teams and we will play other teams this time. The head coach will assign you a field and an opposition.

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