Kirsti Peeters
Name: | Kirsti Peeters |
City: | Helmond |
Country: | Netherlands |
Membership: | Adult Member |
Sport: | Hockey |
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Maak 2 gelijke parcouren. Indian dribble, liftje, bounce balk, dummy, turn etc. Teams starten tegelijk en maken af op goal (rand cirkel) dmv een flats of slag. Scoor je niet of scoor je pas na de markering. Dan moet je teamgenoot een nieuwe bal aanspelen. Zodra er persoon over de 23 meter lijn is mag de volgende starten. Welk team wint?
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Players stand 5-10m away from each other and continuously pass. One ball between two players. (Optional - Set a gate of 2 cones in the middle to act as a target.)
Start 5m away, beginning with push passing and receiving. Emphasize the importance of proper reception technique: feet behind the ball, left elbow up, left had out further than right hand, body relatively upright but with slightly bent knees.
For passing, discuss the Left-Right-Left footwork. This should be reminded to them in every drill that requires passing or shooting!
Make this fun by turning it into a competition: How many passes can you and your partner do in a minute?? Repeat a few times to let them try to beat their scores.
If you have a group or individuals who are more advanced here are some progressions (keeping in mind that while this might not be super exciting, basic skills are incredibly important to master):
- lifted passes
- increase distance (must maintain accuracy between the gate)
- sweep hits - take the time to properly explain this technique!
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Split the group into 2 teams. Set up 2 identical courses towards goal. Put a pile of balls at the start of each course, somewhere near the 25yrd line. Line each team up on the baseline. When you say go, one player from each team sprints out to the balls, completest the course and scores a goal. Once their ball goes in the net, the next player from their team starts.
*If you have a lot of players, create a third or even a fourth group
**encourage speed through the course!
*** you can vary how they run to the balls: forwards running, backwards running, two foot hopping, one foot hopping, cartwheels, summersaults, crabwalk, bearcrawls... anything fun that gets them moving! (If doing cartwheels/summersaults/crabwalks/bearcrawls/anything where they need their hands, leave all sticks at the pile of balls for them to pick up when they arrive)
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Speler A passt naar B en passt terug. B beweegt richting de cirkel. A passt naar C die doorpast naar B die afmaakt op goal.
Aandachtspunten harde passes op de forehand.
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B start op achterlijn en slaat in loop bal naar A
A start iets voorbij 23 meter en neemt bal van B aan en passt terug op backhand
Dit herhaalt zich tot de overzijde en dan wisselen ze van positie
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Warming up - techniek (20 mins)
Set up a number of lines of cones. Each player (or pair/group of 3 players) should have their own to maximize both social distancing and each players touches on the ball.Purpose of this exercise is ball carrying. Ball should be at about 1-2 o'clock, just off to the right of each player, as they are dribbling forward. Encourage them to keep their left elbows high and a bend in their knees (eyes + chest up).
1 - straight dribble up and turn left (all forehand)
2 - straight dribble up and turn right (using reverse stick to turn)
3 - slalom through cones using both forehand and reverse stick skills
4 - big pulls from red cone to yellow cone. Emphasize pulling straight across and not forward on a diagonal.
If in pairs or groups of 3, turn this into a relay race to make it a bit more exciting.
- Turn right using only forehand (feet have to move!)
- Left and right foot pivots to turn around
- Lifted skills
- V drags
- Right hand only
- Left hand only (forehand and reverse)