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Jimm Castro
Name: Jimm Castro
City: New Gisborne
Country: Australia
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): INTRO/FRAME

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): INTRO/FRAME
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INTRO/FRAME (5 mins)


PAST- analysis of the weekend game highlight a significant gap in our ability to sucessfully move our attack forward and penetrate the opponents defensive block. We were unable to create space to progress our attack as we were marked by the opposition, limiting our ability to create width.

PRESENT- we are working on specific drills that will allow us to draw our opponents away from the play, creating space for us to progress forward.

FUTURE- this will allow us to using maintain possession effectively, while creating space to progress towards opponents goal.


  • START- are the players ready to commence after the frame?
  • ORGANISATION- do we have the correct set up and equipment to achieves the objectives of the drills?
  • ATTITUDE- are the player in the right mindset? Do they see how the drill will address the footbll problem?
  • ABILITY- are the players able to complete the drill? Do we need to modify the session to cater for gaps in capacity?
  • UNDERSTANDING- Do the players have any questions about the drills? do they understand?
  • SHAPE- do the players understand the PoPs associated with the session (Attacking/defensive)?
  • SELF-  am i ready to conduct the session? Am i clear in the objectives of the session? Can i apply the PoPs to the session where needed?

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): WARM UP - Y-PASSING DRILL

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): WARM UP - Y-PASSING DRILL
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1. A passes to B then runs to C, B passes to C.

2. C passes to E , E returns to C, E commecnes run to D, C passes to D

3. D passes to A and terminates at B

Player tasks- solid passing, passing to receivers front foot, quick movement with urgency, open body shape to receive the ball at pace, focus on first touch.

Coach tasks- promote urgency, prompt using both zones using dominant and non-dominant foot. Look at player body shape, correct on the go.

* water break to reset cones for next drill

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): RONDO 1- Playing across the zone

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): RONDO 1- Playing across the zone
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RONDO 1- Playing across the zone (20 mins)

RONDO 1- Playing across the zone. (20 minutes)

  • SET-UP: 4V4+4 (4 attackers,/4 defenders with bibs 2 neutral each end 
  • AREA REQUIRED: 10X20, 20 x 20
  • 2 ZONES 10X10. (2-4 grids depending on player numbers)
  • EQUIPMENT- 12 cones,  4 players per zone only, coach at midline with ample balls, 3 different colored bibs 4x4x4
  • DURATION- Rotate the inner with outer players every 5 minutes


1. Players on the inner grids  move ball from A across to B  using one/two touch passing thru open  lanes, back and forth.

2. Players depending on who is the first pass option, move according to the pass ,move into space to receive and pass across. 

3. defender is to intercept and pass to A or B to turnover the carrier

4. Transition from BP to BPO for all centre players. 

5. Rotate outer with inner every 2-3 minutes

Attack PoP

  • PENETRATION- look for the killer pass to player, passing forward towards target. 
  • SUPPORT-  move across zones VERTICALLY/HORIZONTALLY to create pass option, 
  • MOBILITY- A and D to use PDE to change points of attack, team mates to move around grid into space to create pass options
  • WIDTH- utilise open space, scan/move for pass opportunities
  • IMPROVISATION- promote creative passing combinations, make the play unpredicatable.
PoP Defense
  • DELAY- reducing the opponents time and space with the ball. 
  • CONCENTRATION- look at potential pasing lines, PDE with defensive movement, 
  • CONTROL/RESTRAINT- avoid diving in to press, use PDE to determine level of press/jockey


  • open, side-on body stance to allow scanning entire area and to see team mate, 
  • centre players to use opposing movements in the centre of the zones. 
  • Sidelines to determine which centre player to deliver ball to. 
  • Defender to use PDE to choose which attacker to press to win the ball


  • encourage correct body positioning, 
  • open and scanning zone. 
  • correct improper defending technique. 

*water break to reset cones for next drill

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): RONDO 2- verticle/horizontal movements

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): RONDO 2- verticle/horizontal movements
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RONDO 2- verticle/horizontal movements (20 mins)

RONDO 2- central horizontal/vertical movements (20 minutes)

  • SET-UP: 4V2+2 (2 attackers, 4 defender with bib, 1 neutral each end)
  • AREA REQUIRED: 10X20, 10 x 10
  • 2 ZONES 10X10. (2-3 grids depending on player numbers)
  • EQUIPMENT- 6-18 cones, 3 players per zone, coach at midline with ample balls
  • DURATION- Rotate the outer/centre players and defender every 2-5 minutes


1. Players on the outer line (A and B) move lacross run line waitin on pass from team mate in centre. move across from A to B, creating passing lanes

2. players to  use cobination passes, improvisation of passes, 

3. each zone to holds 2 defenders, attackers can cross zones creating 2v2

4. increase challenge with touch limits

5. Rotate attack/defense every 2-5 minutes

Attack PoP

  • PENETRATION- look for the killer pass to player, passing forward across zones Receivers to create pass opportunities. 
  • SUPPORT- centre attackers to support in space to create pass lane
  • MOBILITY- attackers to use PDE to change points of attack, players to move opposite to create space and touch options
  • WIDTH- attackers to move in opposite direction in the zone to maximise width, draw the defender into space to open  the pitch  for pass opportunity
  • IMPROVISATION- promote creative passing combinations, make the play unpredicatable.
PoP Defense
  • DELAY- reducing the opponents time and space with the ball. 
  • CONCENTRATION- look at potential pasing lines, PDE with defensive movement, 
  • CONTROL/RESTRAINT- avoid diving in to press, use PDE to determine level of press/jockey


  • open, side-on body stance to allow scanning entire area and to see team mate, 
  • centre players to use opposing movements in the centre of the zones. 
  • Sidelines to determine which centre player to deliver ball to. 
  • Defender to use PDE to choose which attacker to press to win the ball

COACH TASKS- encourage 

  • correct body positioning, 
  • open and scanning zone. 
  • correct improper defending technique. 
  • Prompt centre players to draw defender away from main passing lines to open space. 

*ater break to reset cons for next drill

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): RONDO 3- GAME TRAINING-switching play across the grids

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): RONDO 3- GAME TRAINING-switching play across the grids
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RONDO 3- GAME TRAINING-switching play across the grids (20 mins)

RONDO 3- playing across the grids (20 minutes)

  • SET-UP: 8V4 (8 attackers 1 per grid, 2 per passing channel , 8 defender with bibs)
  • AREA REQUIRED: 20X20, 
  • 4 ZONES 10X10. (1-2 grids depending on player numbers) with passing lanes down wings
  • EQUIPMENT- 9 cones, 5 players per zone, coach at midline with ample balls, 4 small goals
  • DURATION- Rotate the outer/centre players and defenders every 2-3 minutes. Swap attackers after 12 minutes


1. Players on the passing channels move laterally from zone to zone to maximise width, creating passing options

2. Players with the ball move across the grid to open passing lanes.

3. attack line move into space, pass across grids to outer players

4. Outer players switch ball across grids, and repeat the process.

5. rotate attackers on grids/channels every 2-3 minutes, 

6. Switch attackers and defenders at 10 minutes

Attack PoP

  • PENETRATION- look for the killer pass to player, passing forward towards goal. 
  • SUPPORT- players to move across zones VERTICALLY/HORIZONTALLY to draw defender out of position to create space.  2v1 per zone
  • MOBILITY- Attackers to use PDE to change points of attack, to draw opposition away to create space /open passing options.
  • WIDTH- stay wide to maximise width, draw the defender into space to open the clear passing opportunities- 
  • IMPROVISATION- promote creative passing combinations, make the play unpredicatable.
PoP Defense
  • DELAY- reducing the opponents time and space with the ball. 
  • CONCENTRATION- look at potential pasing lines, PDE with defensive movement, 
  • CONTROL/RESTRAINT- avoid diving in to press, use PDE to determine level of press/jockey


  • open, side-on body stance to allow scanning entire area and to see team mate, 
  • first attack line to use quick movements into grid space to  draw defender away from passing lane 
  • Attackers to determine second attack line to pass to. 
  • Defender to use PDE to choose which attacker to press to win the ball


  • encourage correct body positioning, 
  • open communication and scanning grid for space. 
  • correct improper defending technique. 
  • Prompt centre players to draw defender away from main passing lines to open space. 

*water break to reset cones/goals for next drill

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): TRAINING GAME-

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): TRAINING GAME-
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TRAINING GAME- (20 mins)

TRAINING GAME- consolidation of session progressions (20 minutes)

  • SET-UP: 6+2v6+2 (8 red+ 8 blue), half pitch 2 zones with 2 passing channels
  • AREA REQUIRED: half pitch- 2 zones, 2 passing channels
  • 2 ZONES , 4 goals  widened from last drill 
  • EQUIPMENT- 15 cones, 4 small goals 6 players per zone2 opposites per passing channel, coach at midline with ample balls
  • DURATION- Rotate the outer/inner players and defender every 2-4 minutes


1. Possesion players on grid 1 move to draw defender away to create passing lane to grid 2, to scores.

2. possession players to use player in passing channel to move ball across zones

3. Ball interception prompts transition BPO/BP, attackers becaome defenders

4. limit 3 playersr colors per zone, attackers can overload defenders by 1

5. rotates channel players evry goal.

Attack PoP

  • PENETRATION- look for the killer pass to player, grid passing across/forward  towards goal. Use neutrals.
  • SUPPORT- grid players to move across zones VERTICALLY/HORIZONTALLY to draw defender out of position to create space. Use neutrals as wildcard options. 
  • MOBILITY- attackers to  to draw away defenders to create space and open passing options.
  • WIDTH- B to move wide to maximise width, draw the defender into space to open the clear passing opportunities- 
  • IMPROVISATION- promote creative passing combinations, make the play unpredicatable. limit number of touches before attackers can score
PoP Defense
  • DELAY- reducing the opponents time and space with the ball. 
  • CONCENTRATION- look at potential pasing lines, PDE with defensive movement, 
  • CONTROL/RESTRAINT- avoid diving in to press, use PDE to determine level of press/jockey


  • open, side-on body stance to allow scanning entire area and to see team mate, 
  • first grid attack line to use quick movements into space to draw defender away from passing lane - use neutral to draw further away
  • attackers to determine best passing lane to pass thru. 
  • Defender to use PDE to choose which attacker to press to win the ball
  • Defenders to rotate after each goal or 2-3 minutes


  • encourage correct body positioning, 
  • open and scanning zone. 
  • correct improper defending technique. 
  • Prompt centre players to draw defender away from main passing lines to open space. 

*Water break to finish

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