Football/Soccer Session (Moderate): Pressing vs Beating Press

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Timothy Grinstead
Name: Timothy Grinstead
City: Palmyra
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Pressing v Beat Press warmup

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Pressing v Beat Press warmup
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Pressing v Beat Press warmup

Setup: One giant circle or square for the group. Every player holds a pinnie. one ball.

Game: Game starts out as everyone vs. 1 defender. (i.e. 11 v 1) After every 5th pass, the player that makes the 5th pass, slides on the pinnie they are holding and becomes a defender. (i.e. 10 v 2, 9 v 3). Play is continuous and team works to see if they can break their record of how many defenders they beat in the middle. Just like a rondo, the player that loses the ball restarts the fresh game as the one player in the middle. Everyone takes pinnies off and restarts.

Scoring: Trying to break record of how far they can get vs. defenders. (i.e. 5 defenders, 6 defenders)

Coaching: Introduce ideas to defenders on how to press players into traps. On offense, be on the move, not standing in a circle. Do not pass in one area of grid; keep the ball circulating. Don't take first touch forward into defenders; take it to space. Hold the ball when necessary; don't panic and kick it. Shield and use dribble to create opportunity.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Intro to Pressing Cues

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Intro to Pressing Cues
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Intro to Pressing Cues

Setup: size of 2 18 boxes with 2 goals. Condense space if result not achieved.

Game: 4v2 or 4v3 rondo in the box. Red begins with the ball, and they attempt to possess under pressure from the 6,8, and 10 on blue. Blue 4 and 5 have to stay on their half of the field until they see the right moment to step and pressure the ball. They are looking for pressing cues. 6, 8, and 10 are looking to press together to force red into a bad spot. Once either the 4 or 5 decide to step across the half line (18 yd line), red can now go to goal to score. Game is live once red attacks or blue intercepts. goalies optional.

Scoring/Duration: Red can score by target number of passes (10) or scoring on big goal. Blue scores by intercepting and scoring on blue goal. Play to 4 and switch roles.

Coaching: Introduce pressing cues/triggers (eyes of players, predictable play, attacker turned backwards, etc). Discuss pressing as a team with the 6, 8, and 10. Can they force into a corner. On offense, can they stay calm, take touches out of pressure, and pass out of pressure accurately. Discuss movement off the ball.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Team Pressing

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Team Pressing
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Team Pressing

Setup: Width of 18 and Length of 2 18's. 5v5 with keepers. yellow 5 x 5 yd box in middle of grid.

Game: Teams cannot go to goal until they play one pass to the middle box. Otherwise, play is normal. Team on defense is working to prevent pass to middle box, while pressing to win ball

Scoring/Duration: In order to prevent simple guarding of the box and encourage pressing, 7 passes = goal. Any real goals also count. First to 5 wins.

Coaching: Focus on pressure on the ball anc covering middle pass. Make them play a longer pass that can be intercepted. Make sure team defense shifts together. On offense, can they move freely and time/disguise their run into the middle. Be calm and patient on possession (remember 7 passes is also a point). Only play middle as available.

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