Futsal Session (Junior): F209 Club Practice - Technical Stations (Start Time: 2021-07-11 19:40:00)

Profile Summary

Gabriel Bolton
Name: Gabriel Bolton
City: Turlock
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Futsal
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This is a technical session with stations.  It is a light 1 hour session.  

Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Simple Dynamic Stretch

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Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Simple Dynamic Stretch
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Simple Dynamic Stretch (5 mins)

Objective: improve our comfort with the bal.

Organization: each player with a ball on the court + dots all over the area.

Instructions: players dribble around a perform different skills at the dots.

Variations: 1. Legs apart, bounce L, C, R (5x) 2. Calves Sweep (2x each leg) 3. Knee to chest up on toes foot work in between (2x each leg), 4.  Figure 4 with footwork in between (2x each) 5. Quad strech with footwork in between (2x each) 6. Reverse lunge arms in the air with footwork in between (2x each), 7.  Leg swings across body with footwork in between (4x each leg) 8. Open/Close the Gate (4x each) 9. Lateral lunge (2x each) 10. Squat Jumps (4x each)

Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): iSkills - PFA Ball Manipulation

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Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): iSkills - PFA Ball Manipulation
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iSkills - PFA Ball Manipulation (10 mins)

Objective:  Improve ball mastery.  These are the PFA Ball Manipulations.  

Organization:  Open space players with a ball.

Instructions:  perform one of the ball manipulation skills.

Variations: (1) boxing, (2) toe taps, (3) squeeze, (4) 1-2 roll, (5) add variations...

Coaching Points:  (1) head up, (2) soft touches, (3) go fast, (4) execute moves.

Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): iSkills - PFA Turns

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Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): iSkills - PFA Turns
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iSkills - PFA Turns (10 mins)

Objective:  improve our ability to change directions 180 degrees

Organization:  Players 5-10 yards away from a small 2 yard end zone.

Instructions:  Players dribble to end zone and then change direction as instructed

Variations:  (1) pull back, (2) stop turn, (3) Cryuff, (4) sole turn, (5) step over, (6) fake pass (7) L turn

Coaching Points:  (1) quality of the skill move, (2) what's next?  head up, explode away...

Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): iSkills - Passing Thru Gate

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Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): iSkills - Passing Thru Gate
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iSkills - Passing Thru Gate (10 mins)

Objective:  improve our passing and receiving

Organization:  two lines of not more than 5 total players approximately 16 yards apart.  Two cones forming a 2 yard gate between the two lines.

Instructions:  players dribble through the gate and pass to the opposite line.  

Variations:  use different moves to dribble around the gate.

Coaching Points:  (1) receive the ball on the move with sole, (2) quality passes, (3) communication, (4) soft touches, (5) head up, (6) executing different moves.  

Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): iSkills - Finishing Triangle

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Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): iSkills - Finishing Triangle
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iSkills - Finishing Triangle (10 mins)

Objective:  improve finishing

Organization:  coaching passing the ball to player finishing

Instructions:  coach plays the ball, player receives it with sole on the move, dribbles at left or right cone, executes moves and finishes.

Variations:  (1) dribble at right cone, sole roll with right foot into the triangle, outside of the foot touch through triangle, finish.  Unlimited variations.  Finishing with both laces, inside of foot, and toe.  

Coaching Points:  (1) teach different finishing techniques.  

Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): iSkills - Scooping

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Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): iSkills - Scooping
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iSkills - Scooping (10 mins)

Objective:  improve our ability to scoop the ball.  

Organization:  players partnered up on either side of a net.

Instructions:  players work on scooping a stationary futsal ball back and forth.

Variations:  (1) ball is improving, (2) dribble + scoop, (3) dribble + sole delay + scoop, (4) make it a competition (first pair to 10 scoops wins).

Coaching Points:  (1)  lifting the ball not chipping it, (2) control it enough to either get it all the way to teammate or one bounce.

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