Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): Distribution Session #1

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Pro-Club: Cincinnati United

Jacob Morrison

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Jacob Morrison
Name: Jacob Morrison
City: Fairfield
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Proper technique of distribution

Proper decisions in distribution

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm-up / Activation

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm-up / Activation
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Warm-up / Activation (10 mins)

Warm-up / Activation 10 mins

Muscular warm-up:

- Jog length of the 18, 2 times. Incorporate arm swings and shoulder rotations as you jog.

- Skip series - Skips with high knee drive / Fast (quick) skips / Power skips (as high as you can jump) on every step

- Dynamic stretching - Main stretch cycle should be legs, hips, back and neck.

- Plyometric series - Find a line, 2 footed hops over and back (forward-backward) and 2 footed hops side to side.

- Throw series - 10x slings, 10x bowls, 10x two handed throws from over your head incorporating hip and back stretches through throw

- Service Series - 10x volleys, 10x drop kicks, 10x services from the ground to hands (high)

- Footwork Series - 2x approach steps to volley, 2x recovery steps to volley, 2x side shift (2 each side) to a volley.

- Footwork Series (cont.) - 4x Figure 8 pattern (see above diagram) to a low shot driven from ground. Incorporate hamstring stretch into save pattern.

- Individual Stretching

Equipment Setup:

2 cones, 2 yards apart.

Focus Area:

Target high use muscle areas for preparation for the session.

Key Factors:

Lower leg explosive activation and footwork patterns

Hips, back and neck flexibility

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Activity 1: Passing activation

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Activity 1: Passing activation
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Activity 1: Passing activation (10 mins)

Activity 1: (GK's must do all services between each other) 10 mins

Passing/Distribution Activation

- GK A passes ball on the ground to GK B

- GK B receives with back foot and the plays the ball with the opposite foot into goal C or D. 

- 2 sets of 6 reps, switch keepers after every set. 2nd set should be an improvement of the first set (focus on body shape, technical form of the pass/bowl/sling, hips should be pointed to the intended target)


- GK A serves a volley to GK B's hands, GK B bowls the ball into goal C or D. 6 reps (3 for each mini goal) then switch goalkeepers

- GK A serves a drop kick to GK B's hands, GK B slings the ball into goal C or D. 6 reps (3 for each mini goal) then switch goalkeepers

Equipment Setup:

Mini Goals on the corners of the 18

10 soccer balls by GK A

Focus Area:

Activation of the shape of a save, to the shape of a service. Maintain concentration on each task as they come up. I.e. do not think about the distribution before you cleanly save the service. NOTE* This does not include the pass on the ground, as you should be checking each side to find the available space before you receive the ball.

Key Factors:

- Proper hand placement on save

- Proper follow through on pass/bowl/sling

- High concentration level through each rep (watch their eyes as they receive each ball, if they take their eyes off the ball before the full save, they are not fully concentrated on the save).

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Activity 2: Distribution Pattern

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Activity 2: Distribution Pattern
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Activity 2: Distribution Pattern (10 mins)

Activity 2: Distribution pattern - 10 mins

- GK A serves a ball from the ground to GK B's hands (emulate a save in a match while maintaining the save range within their silhouette) GK A would then move to location D

- GK B Bowls a ball to GK C and checks to the low corner of the 6 (see diagram)

- GK C playing two touch, passes the ball back to GK B's back foot (in this case, their left foot)

-GK B would play a pass with their opposite foot (in this case, their right foot) to GK A who has moved to Location D

- GK B would check again to the low corner of the 6 nearest GK A (See Diagram)

- GK B would receive a pass from GK A to the front foot (in this case would be their left foot)

- GK B would play a first time pass to mini goal E to finish the pattern.

- Perform each pattern 2 sets of 3 times alternating the direction of the pattern. Switch GK after each set.


- GK B can play opposite mini goal (in diagram scenario, play mini goal F instead of E)

- To increase difficulty, have the serving GK's play bouncing passes to focus on the GK's touch to settle and play the correct pass.

Equipment Setup:

- 2 mini goals just narrowly inside of the 18 yard box (2 yards inside from the outside line of the 18 from each side)

- 8 Soccer balls by GK A

Focus Area:

- Provide the GK multiple steps in a distribution activity to accomplish

- Create different patterns (similar to building out of the back under pressure) and creating angles to pass to different spaces in the 18

- Maintaining proper body shape throughout the whole activity

Key Factors:

- Focus on their footwork pattern to set up their pass (if their body shape is wrong, its due to their poor footwork to open their hips up before getting to the spot)

- Concentration levels must stay high as they move from each task to the next, focusing on their touch and their vision before the pass is received.

- Focus on the quality of their passes (weight of the pass, bouncing balls, texture of the pass, and placement of the pass)

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Activity 3: Distribution locked on a side

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Activity 3: Distribution locked on a side
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Activity 3: Distribution locked on a side (10 mins)

Activity 3 Distribution on a locked side (pressure is preventing a switch of play) - 10 mins

- GK A serves a volley to GK B

- GK B bowls a ball to GK A

- GK A, playing two touch passes the ball on the ground to GK B

- GK B after bowling the ball to GK A scans GK C to see what color cone she has up. Red cone signifies that they are covered and cannot receive a pass due to a high pressing midfielder or outside back. Green Cones signifies that they are open to receive a pass.

- GK B playing one touch (as they are under pressure) plays either GK C if the cone is green, or the mini goal D, if the cone is red.
- 2 sets of 5 reps each side / switch keepers after each set

Equipment Setup:

- mini goal 10 yards outside (heading towards the other goal) of the 18 (2 yards in from the outside line of the 18 for proper width)

- GK C has 2 cones (red and green)

- 8 soccer balls behind GK A

Focus Area:

- Providing game like scenarios and problem solving under pressure

- Making quick decisions and sorting their feet out to make the correct pass, effectively to its target.

Key Factors:

- Passes to GK C must be to their back foot so that they can protect the ball from oncoming pressure

- Passes to mini goal D must be driven with pace while keeping it on the ground so a midfielder can turn or make the appropriate pass the way they are facing.

- Proper footwork will be the key to the success of this exercise. If their footwork is too late, they will miss the pass, or they will not have adequately struck the ball with enough force to make it to the target in time.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Activity 4: Long Range Distribution

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Activity 4: Long Range Distribution
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Activity 4: Long Range Distribution (10 mins)

Activity 4: Long Range Distribution - 10 mins

- GK A serves a ball (punt) to GK B who controls with their feet

- GK B serves a ball (punt) to GK C who controls with their feet

- GK C serves a ball (punt) to GK A who controls with their feet

- 2 sets of 5 services from each GK


- Drop kick instead of punt - 2 sets

- Services from the ground instead of drop kick - 2 sets

Equipment Setup:

All soccer balls distributed equally between the GK's in case of a wayward ball

Focus Area:

- Finding proper weight of service to reach their target

- Looking for proper body shape through their service

- Work on their control out of the air to continually improve their fielding skills

Key Factors:

- Proper striking technique from each GK

- Keeping their eyes on the ball as they strike to prevent unnatural body motion on impact

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