Football/Soccer Session (Moderate): Technical Tuesday

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Pro-Club: FC Neshanic

Dimitri Serrano

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Dimitri Serrano
Name: Dimitri Serrano
City: Aberdeen
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm Up

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm Up
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Warm Up (10 mins)


Grid is a 15x15

Group 1: Liam, David, Jack, Brandon, Herik

Group 2: Cris, Liam, Trevor, Diago, Steven, Bryan D (6 players)- have two players in the middle.

Group 3: Dom, Carlos, Bryan A, Pranavesh, Ethan

Group 4: Noah, Evan, Omar, Tyler, Santi


4 players on the outside with 3 balls. The players on the outside will pass the ball to the middle player and will perform a technical turn (half turn, inside/outside turn) and passes to the open player. The play repeats.

2 sets of 1min

total time 10mins

Coaching points:

Adjust your body to receive

Communication is key to keep the activity flowing

accurate passing

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Tech Rep

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Tech Rep
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Tech Rep

Groups of 5 players in a 15x15

In this exercise the players will work on receiving the ball with the inside of the foot and pass to the right. Players will have 1 min to complete a rotation, this will be a challenged game vs the other groups to up the tempo.

Coaching points:

receive with the inside

open the body to receive

first touch needs to be in a direction to make the second pass

accuracy and weight of the ball is important 

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm up Technical 1

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm up Technical 1
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Warm up Technical 1 (10 mins)

2 groups 10 players (additional player can be placed in any groups)


Follow the passing pattern.

6 sets of 1:30mins (90secs).  Switch middle players after every set. Coaching points should only focus on technical (passing, receiving, timing of the run, body position of middle players)

Coaching Point:

-passing into the space

-movement of the 3rd player movement

-Can this activity be done in 1 touch. 

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm Up: 3v1 Rondos

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm Up: 3v1 Rondos
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Warm Up: 3v1 Rondos

In this warm up the players will play a 3v1 rondo. We are focusing on the defending player to block passing lanes. Players will hold a color pennie and once the defender gets the ball then the player drops the pennie and becomes an attacking player. The player that lost possession now picke the pennie up and becomes the defender. We're looking to have a flow of games where the attacking players are moving the ball quickly to challenge the defender.

Coaching points:

observe the passing lanes

pick the moment when to press

body shape



Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Tech Rep 4v2

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Tech Rep 4v2
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Tech Rep 4v2


10 players, plenty of soccer balls

Group 1:

Yellow: Liam, Brandon/ Omar Evan

Blue: Pranavesh, Diago/Isaac Tyler

Green: David, Cris/ Noah Herik

Red: Ethan Santi/ Jack Trevor

Orange: Carlos and Connor/ Steven Bryan A


The team in possession (purple) will attempt to retain possession with the supporting team (blue). If they are both successful in keeping the ball they must look for the players in the middle to switch the play (variation 1), no pass restriction play forward as quickly as possible. Once the transfer is made the team that made that transfer pass goes to the middle of the grid, the defending team immediately presses and the play restarts. 

Reps of 45 sec x6 with a 30 sec break

Coaching point:

looking to play forward

technical close control

quick movement 

disguise of the pass

weigh of the pass

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Penetrate to goals

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Penetrate to goals
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Penetrate to goals (15 mins)


Game is split into the 3 zones. Teams are split into 6 v 6 + 2 neutrals with Goalkeepers. Team must receive pass inside the end zone or dribble into the end zone in order to attack the goal. Defending team CAN NOT defend their end zone until the ball has entered that zone from a pass or dribble.

Key Coaching points:

Creativity and movement

Penetrate behind opponent backline by looking for splits

Movement off the ball looking for gaps

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Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):

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Repeat (toggle)
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