Michael Fox
Name: | Michael Fox |
City: | Peterborough |
Country: | United Kingdom |
Membership: | Adult Member |
Sport: | Football/Soccer |
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
Technical |
Tactical |
Physical |
Psychological |
Social |
Pitch 1
Players perform a piece of SAQ exercise through the comes the sprint to the end player who passes them the ball to control and pass back - players then turn and complete another SAQ exercise.
Turn into a competition - who can complete 10 SAQ exercises first the swap with outside player
SAQ Exercises
- One foot in
- two feet in
- Iccy Shuffle
- hopping
- Swerved running etc
Introduce when player receives the ball he must turn out - dribble through the cones then turn and play a pass to outside player - then completes an SAQ exercise before receiving the ball again.
Pitch 2
Battle 1v1 ( Qty 4 1v1s) Get 3 points in they get passed a player, 2 if they get out of the side, 1 if they turn and go backwrads. keep score
2 V 2s four gaol game
Pitch 3
3 V 1s
- Decision making
- Passing & Receiving
- Body Shape
- Communication
- Movement
- Passing
- When to play quick
- One touch or 2 touch
- Rotation of players ( Can we/ when )
- Can we take our first touch passed the Def if close and rotate positions (awareness and focus)
Pitch 4
Start with a game - opposite play against each other
players Complete a piece of SAQ exercise through the ladders - the first to to score wins a point for their team - first to 5 play best of three. Alternate players
Player 1 completes an SAQ exercise through the ladders
Player 2 makes and over lapping run ( timing of run)
Players 1 & 2 play a combination pass - Player 2 crosses for player 1 to score
Can player 2 cross to the opposite player 1 and vice versa
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
Technical |
Tactical |
Physical |
Psychological |
Social |
Organisation -
Allow players to play
Have Fun
Two pitches
Two teams blues v whites
Number each player 1-4
The coach shouts a number and them players have to transition to the opposite pitch
- can only score when teams have all their players on the pich
- The players transistion are the only players that can score in each team
- opposie number can only tackle eack other awareness of where players are.
- set amount of passes before players can score
- encourgae shooting - dont over play
keep the score on both pitches
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
Technical |
Tactical |
Physical |
Psychological |
Social |
Organisation -
2 pitches
8 teams of 2 = 2 v 1 + I GK
10 balls in the middle
which team can score the most goals - reset balls an change attacking players
rotate teams so they play each other - team with the most goals wins
© Copyright 2022 Sport Session Planner Ltd.
Developed with Partnership Developers, a division of Kyosei Systems.
Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):
Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen
Back/Forward: Drag timeline button
Warm up (10 mins)
Team british bull dog - with and with out ball
teams of 3/4